Updated: 10/17/23
Are you looking for a way to give your heart and brain health an extra boost? Well, look no further. Vitamin B6 is the answer! This powerful, essential vitamin has long been known as an important part of any balanced diet because it helps maintain healthy energy levels and a strong immune system. But did you know that it can also play a major role in boosting both heart and cognitive health? In this blog post, we’ll look at why supplementing with Vitamin B6 is beneficial—from its positive impact on cholesterol levels, to its possible connection to improved memory formation. Let’s take a closer look now at how adding this amazing nutrient to your lifestyle could have impressive effects for both body and mind!
What is Vitamin B6?
Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine HCL (or pyridoxine hydrochloride), is part of the vitamin B complex. It is a water-soluble compound that is essential for liver function, energy metabolism and neuron communication. The body converts the inactive form—pyridoxine HC—to its active form—pyridoxal phosphate—to use throughout different bodily systems. As the body digests vitamin B6, it converts and absorbs the active form in the small intestine and it circulates through the bloodstream. Because it’s a water-soluble vitamin, the body cannot store it after it moves to the tissues and excess amounts simply pass through the body.
Vitamin B6 helps reduce pain, promote cardiovascular health and it may even help support antibody production to fight off infections. It is necessary for healthy blood vessels and neurological tissue. It is highly susceptible to oxidation and damage from cooking or exposure to light and air, so a lot of the B6 in foods may become inactive by the time you can eat it.
Where Do You Get B6 Naturally?
Vitamin B6 comes from food sources like organ meat, poultry, fruit and vegetables and some nuts and seeds. It is also in some cereals, marinara sauce, toasted waffles and dry-roasted nuts.
Benefits of Vitamin B6
Reducing Vitamin B6 Deficiency
There are several health conditions that can cause the body to use up vitamin B6 faster and they can make a mild pre existing deficiency much worse. Symptoms like skin rashes, tingling in the hands and feet and cracked sores on the mouth may indicate a deficiency. Patients may also experience changes in mood or even cause seizures. Vitamin B6 deficiency is also associated with migraines, depression and chronic pain.
Those who suffer from autoimmune conditions, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease or alcohol dependence are at a significantly greater risk of insufficient vitamin B6. In these cases, it may be worth adding vitamin B6 to a daily supplement plan to help relieve any of these symptoms.
Minimizing Nausea and Morning Sickness
Some people find that vitamin B6 is a suitable treatment for nausea. This is an especially important benefit for pregnant patients. Studies show that vitamin B6 may significantly reduce nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy. This vitamin is safe to use and researchers have not identified any negative side effects on developing fetuses, so expecting mothers can rest assured that their babies most likely will not suffer from any adverse effects.
Promoting Healthy Pregnancies
Aside from easing nausea and easing morning sickness, it plays an important role in fetal development in general. It helps prevent low birth weight and even eczema in infants. Researchers state it may also help maintain healthy glucose levels.
Boosting Heart Health
Research states that it may help improve heart health by promoting healthy blood vessels and helping the body manage homocysteine, an amino acid in protein foods like meat. When homocysteine circulates in the blood, it acts as an inflammatory compound that can damage blood vessels. Vitamin B6 can help control inflammation by reducing homocysteine in the blood. It may also help heal damage that the amino acid has already caused.
Vitamin B6 can also improve heart health by reducing blood pressure. A preliminary study shows that it can reduce systolic blood pressure in hypertension. Another study showed that adults who consumed more of it had a reduced risk of developing high blood pressure. Since there is a strong correlation between hypertension and heart disease and it can be challenging to treat, maximizing intake may greatly improve circulatory system health and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses.
Improving Brain Health
It’s frightening to consider that the brain functions less efficiently with age. What’s even scarier is the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia taking a patient’s memories, the things they have learned and their ability to think clearly. It may help keep brain healthy for longer and it can help support proper neuron function.
Again, its ability to control homocysteine in the blood may also play a role. In addition to blood vessels, homocysteine can also damage the delicate neurons in the brain. This damage can cause cell death and interrupt neuron connections in the brain that help with memory and learning.
It also plays a vital role in hormones and neurotransmitter behaviors in the brain. These chemicals help neurons communicate with each other and they impact mood, energy levels and thought patterns. Research shows that increased levels of vitamin B6 can help reduce the symptoms of ADHD and other conditions rooted in low neurotransmitter levels.
Finally, it assists in serotonin and GABA production in the brain. These neurotransmitters directly impact mood and having sufficient levels in the body can help reduce the risk of depression, as well as help manage the symptoms. Although it isn’t a replacement for any prescribed treatments for mental health, it is an essential nutrient that the body needs to support healthy brain function.
Supports Metabolism
Vitamin B6 plays an essential role in metabolizing carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Without adequate intake of B6, our body could struggle to convert the food we eat into energy efficiently. This can result in sluggishness, fatigue, and other metabolic issues. By getting enough of it in our diet, we can ensure that our body is operating at peak performance, converting and utilizing energy efficiently.
Regulates Hormones
Vitamin B6 is involved in the production of many hormones, including melatonin, which helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle, and serotonin, which plays a crucial role in mood regulation. Studies have shown that a deficiency of it can lead to depressed moods, anxiety, and insomnia.
Helps with PMS
If you’re a woman who suffers from premenstrual syndrome (PMS), you might want to pay extra attention to your intake. Studies have shown that Vitamin B6 can help ease PMS symptoms such as depression, irritability, and bloating. Consuming foods that are high in Vitamin B6, such as poultry, fish, and leafy greens, can help alleviate PMS symptoms and make your life easier during that time of the month.
Good for Skin and Hair
Last but not least, Vitamin B6 is also great for skin and hair health. It plays a vital role in producing collagen, a protein that’s necessary for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Consuming adequate amounts of it can help prevent skin issues such as eczema, acne, and wrinkles. It can also help reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.
Managing Pain & Inflammation
Inflammation is a major factor in persistent pain and it is also at the root of many diseases, such as arthritis. It may help resolve persistent inflammation in the body by supporting its natural ability to heal from damage. Research states that it may help reduce inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Vitamin B6 may also be a blessing for patients who suffer from PMS. Research indicates vitamin B6 works with neurotransmitters to create a better balance in the chemicals responsible for pain management. In studies, female patients reported a reduction in period cramps, nausea, fatigue, headaches and even acne with these supplements.
Regulating Sleep Cycles
Vitamin B6 may be a potential remedy for patients who suffer from sleep disturbances. It’s very common to have difficulties falling asleep quickly, staying asleep all night and waking up feeling rested in the morning. This is often because of an imbalance in melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. It is a main factor in melanin production and it helps regulate the body’s internal circadian clock. When something disturbs this internal rhythm, it makes it more challenging for the patient to sleep. Using vitamin B6 is a natural way to work with the body to provide the nutrients it needs for a healthy sleep cycle.
Does Vitamin B6 Give You Energy?
Vitamin B6 helps transform the food you eat into energy, which is then used by your body. It breaks down the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the food you consume and converts them into glucose, which then supplies the necessary energy to your body. Pyridoxine helps create neurotransmitters, thus improving brain function, and also converts tryptophan to serotonin, which regulates your mood and your sleep-wake cycles. So not only does it give you energy, but it also helps you with overall health improvement.

Side Effects of Vitamin B6
Researchers report very few side effects with vitamin B6 supplements. This may be because it is an essential vitamin and it is water soluble, so the body eliminates any excess in the urine. However, like other vitamins, there is always a chance of side effects.
Nausea and Vomiting
One of the common side effects of Vitamin B6 is nausea and vomiting. Excessive intake of it can stimulate the digestive tract, leading to stomach upset. This side effect is more common in people taking supplements rather than in those getting it from food. To avoid nausea and vomiting, one should follow the recommended dosage levels.
Nerve Damage
Taking high doses of Vitamin B6 over a long time can cause nerve damage. This condition is known as peripheral neuropathy, where the nerves that control movement, sensation, and motor functions become progressively damaged. It usually first affects the hands and feet, but can also spread to other parts of the body. To avoid this, one should avoid exceeding the recommended dosage.
Another common side effect of Vitamin B6 is photosensitivity. This means that your skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight. If you are taking these supplements, you should avoid sun exposure or use sunscreen to avoid sunburns.
Low Blood Pressure
Vitamin B6 can lower blood pressure, especially when taken in high doses. This can cause dizziness, fainting, and even loss of consciousness. If you are already taking medications for high blood pressure, you should talk to your doctor before adding THIS supplements to your diet.
Skin Lesions
Taking excessive amounts of IT can also cause skin lesions, acne, rashes, and other skin irritations. These skin conditions usually clear up once the excess Vitamin B6 is eliminated from the body. To avoid this, one should stick to the recommended daily dosage levels.
Is Vitamin B6 Nerve Damage Reversible?
The good news is that, in most cases, Vitamin B6 nerve damage is reversible. If the condition is caught early enough, simply stopping the Vitamin B6 supplement will allow the nerve damage to gradually heal over time. Most people should start to notice improvements within a few weeks or months, though it can take up to a year to heal completely. It’s important, however, to note that if the nerve damage has become severe, not all of it may be reversible even with the cessation of Vitamin B6 supplements. An individual’s age, overall health, and severity and duration of symptoms can all play a part in how much nerve damage can be reversed.
Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate
Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate (P5P) is the active and most bio-available form of Vitamin B6. Unlike other forms of Vitamin B6, your body does not need to convert it before it can use it, making it more readily available for your body to absorb. It is a coenzyme that helps in numerous metabolic reactions in your body, such as protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism.
Most multivitamins contain Vitamin B6 in the form of Pyridoxine HCL, which is cheaper to produce. However, Pyridoxine HCL is not the active form of Vitamin B6, so your body cannot use it directly. Instead, it needs to convert it into P5P before it can use it. This conversion process requires specific enzymes, which your body may not have in abundance, making it challenging for many people to convert Pyridoxine HCL into P5P. Therefore, supplementing with P5P is more effective because your body can use it as it is.
Dosage for Vitamin B6
As a dietary supplement, patients only need a small amount. The serving size is 50 mg per day. Patients can take it either once or twice a day, but do not take more than 125 mg per day. It’s best to measure the dosage with a milligram scale for accuracy.
Why Take Vitamin B6?
This vitamin is important for several different mechanisms in the body, including metabolism and blood circulation. Research states that it can also help promote heart health by regulating blood pressure and potentially reducing the risk for heart disease. It is also beneficial for pregnant patients because it may reduce morning sickness, control blood sugar and promote fetal development.
Vitamin B6 is naturally present in different types of food—meat and poultry, fish, bread, eggs, milk, potatoes, vegetables and whole grain cereals. However, these foods may only contain small amounts. It may be difficult to obtain enough from food sources, so taking supplements can help make sure the body gets enough of this essential nutrient.
Where To Buy Vitamin B6
You can grab yourself some Vitamin B6 over at BulkSupplements.com. They’re the real pros when it comes to making and distributing pure dietary supplements.
But it doesn’t stop there – BulkSupplements.com not only serves the everyday consumer, but they also supply high-quality ingredients to other brands in the food and supplement industry. Rest assured, all their products are made and tested with the utmost care and follow industry standards.
Fancy giving their Vitamin B6 powder supplement a try? Get in touch with BulkSupplements.com now to place your order.
The Bottom Line
Vitamin B6 is a nutrient that is vital for human health. It’s necessary for optimal brain, nerve, circulatory system production and it also plays an important role in balancing hormones. Research states that it may help manage pain, inflammation and assist with energy metabolism. It is also very important during pregnancy because it helps promote optimal fetal development.
Taking Vitamin B6 is an easy and effective way to give your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. Incorporate it into your daily routine by consuming Vitamin B6-rich foods such as fish, meat, whole grains, and vegetables, or consider taking a supplement. With the above benefits, it is clear that Vitamin B6 is a critical component of our well-being. Take care of your body and make Vitamin B6 a part of your daily routine.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease