What is Black Cumin Seed Oil?
Black seed oil is an amber-hued extract from tiny black seeds of the flowering Nigella sativa plant. Also called kalonji oil, back cumin oil and Nigella sativa oil originated in Southwest Asia. Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean, northern Africa and Indian subcontinent. Many countries cultivate the oil, from Pakistan to Turkey to Saudi Arabia. These cultures have used this dark oil for centuries.
Consider a spicy, medicinal herb. Ancient herbalists recognized black cumin as a Haba Al-Barka, blessed seeds, miracle herb or panacea. Some even called it “The herb from heaven.” The Prophet Mohammad stated, “This black cumin is healing for all diseases except death.” Therefore, the Muslim community calls it “Prophetic medicine.”
The Holy Bible also mentioned black cumin for its curative assets and named it “Melanthion” (little black seed) by ancient healers, Hippocrates and Dioscorides. Avicenna, a renowned physician in the 10th century known as the father of early modern medicine, wrote about the seeds in his book “The Canon of Medicine.” He highlighted several health-beneficial agents of the black cumin, such as enhancing the body’s energy and recovery from disconsolateness (lack of comfort or cheerlessness) and tiredness (x).
Traditional systems of medicine have prescribed black cumin, such as Ayurveda and Unani, to treat bronchitis, asthma, headaches, rheumatism, back pain, paralysis, hypertension and inflammation. These traditional practices also used the oil for antiseptic and local anesthetic properties as a topical. They topically treated nasal abscesses, swollen joints, orchitis and skin conditions, like eczema and blisters (x).
When Howard Carter discovered Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb, black cumin was also in the grave, noting its healing and protection properties. The ancient Egyptians used black cumin as a preservative for mummification because of its antibacterial and insect repellent attributes (x).
Today, the health benefits of black cumin are just as well known as it was in ancient times, ranging from the skin and nervous system to metabolic disorders (heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes) and various cancers (x).
Black Cumin Active Ingredients
Black cumin is a complex substance, containing over a hundred ingredients, and scientists have not identified them all. Its effectiveness is because of a combination of volatile oils, fatty oils and trace elements.
The black cumin seed consists of:
- 21 percent protein
- 35 percent oil (mainly polyunsaturated fats)
- 38 percent carbohydrates
- 6 percent other ingredients
What is Thymoquinone?
Black cumin has a main active property called thymoquinone (TQ) and is medicinally effective against many diseases and illnesses. It shows outstanding anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other essential biological activities. The medical field uses TQ for neurological, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, infertility and various infections, from bacterial to parasitic to fungal and viral infections (x).
TQ is also a potent antioxidant, scavenging free radicals and preventing cell damage for oxidative substances. A study performed on lab rats showed TQ effectively suppresses the oxidative stress-induced in the nervous system via its antioxidant process (x).
What are Antioxidants?
Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals, atoms of oxygen that can cause damage to cells in your body, leading to diseases.
Free radicals are harmful and uncharged molecules that roam uncontrolled within the body, resulting in oxygen metabolism. Oxygen metabolism causes toxic by-products called free radicals. These are destruction, reactive, and short-lived.
Free radicals can create severe issues and disrupt your regular body system if unstopped. They trigger “oxidative stress,” an unhealthy situation where free radicals wreak havoc faster than your body can overcome the devastation. Here, antioxidants from black cumin softgel capsules, which contain TQ, may help, thus preventing diseases and illnesses.
Years of research reinforce the benefits of antioxidants as properties that rescue your body from oxidative stress. These agents contribute an electron to demolish the chaotic chain reactions caused by free radicals.
Antioxidant enzymes generate inside your body. However, nutrient-rich fresh fruits and vegetables and black cumin contain these properties. Today, it’s best to use health supplements loaded with antioxidants and a healthy diet (x).
Benefits of Black Cumin Oil Softgel Capsules?
Some individuals may find taking black cumin oil straight challenging but do not have similar issues with softgel capsules. Softgel capsules are worthwhile to those uncomfortable taking pills because softgels are tasteless and go down effortlessly. They promptly dissolve and digest when taken orally, maintaining better absorption in the digestive system. Softgels create an airtight capsule seal that extends the vitamin’s shelf life (x).
If one wants to create a topical treatment with black cumin oil, simply prick the softgel capsule with a sterilized pin. Mix the amber-hued oil in a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba, then apply the mixture to the area that needs treatment (x).
Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where immune cells attack healthy cells, known as an inflammatory disease. Those who have this arthritis experience pain, joint disorder, and functional disability.
A study using lab rats explored the anti-inflammatory effects of TQ from black cumin for treating rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers gave the rats arthritis and then treated them with TQ. The result clinically confirmed that TQ suppressed arthritis (x).
Another study on 42 patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed the positive effects of amber-hued oil. One group took 500 mg of black cumin a day for eight weeks. The other group took a placebo each day for eight weeks. During this study, patients had their oxidative stress levels measured at the beginning and end of the trial.
The results showed that black cumin oil improved inflammation and reduced oxidative stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The results support that the oil is a beneficial adjunct therapy (x).
Forty female patients with rheumatoid arthritis took 500 mg black cumin oil capsules two times a day for a month. The disease activity reduced, and the number of swollen joints and duration of morning stiffness improved. Researchers support supplementation and consider it an affordable therapy (x).
Help Increase Good Cholesterol
HDL cholesterol is the good kind, and LDL cholesterol is the bad kind. High triglycerides, waxy fats in the blood, and high LDL cholesterol raise the risk of strokes, heart attacks and pancreatitis.
A study giving different doses of black cumin seed to patients showed an increase in HDL cholesterol after three months. In the same study, another group of patients took a higher amount, showing a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and an increase in HDL cholesterol (x).
Other studies show that black cumin effectively lowers bad cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases (x).
Eases Gas and Stomach Bloating
Helping with regulating digestion is one of black cumin oil’s benefits. It helps treat flatulence when mixed with apple cider vinegar. As a topical cream, some have found relief from hemorrhoids (x).
Studies show that black cumin seed acts as a laxative, loosening and relaxing the bowels. An analysis done on lab rats given ulcers received black cumin seed. The results freed up the acidity and reduced gastric lesions (x).
Extensive research into Iran herbal medicine and wide use of black cumin support taking black cumin for gastrointestinal issues like nausea, dysentery, flatulence and diarrhea, highlighting its component TQ (x).
Other studies also show black cumin seed has a preventive effect and a relieving effect for several gastrointestinal disorders, such as colitis, pancreatitis and parasites (x).
Improve Skin Texture and Promotes Healthy, Shiny Hair
The amber-hued oil has a long tradition of beauty care. Mixed with water or apple cider vinegar, then applied to the skin as a deep cleanser. The black cumin oil works well as a facial mask or compress. Apply black cumin oil for smoother facial skin, treating acne (x).
As a supplement, black cumin helps develop healthy skin by detoxifying, regenerating the intestines, regulating the hormonal system, and balancing the immune system (x).
Other ways to treat the skin with black cumin seed oil:
- Apply to dry skin as a moisturizer
- Facial steam baths
- Treat acne
- Treat inflamed skin
- Facial balms
- Massage oil
- Add to the bath for dull, pale skin
Most of these applications require a carrier oil and a standard recipe, mixing the correct amount of ingredients for the best results (x).
A review of black cumin oil shows it can treat skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis, because the oil contains linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, omega 6 (x).
A study combined black cumin seed oil with kaolin clay, both antimicrobial agents, as an anti-acne cream. The results were positive, showing the ingredients remained stable while inhibiting acne (x).
Turmeric extract and black cumin oil are other successful combinations as a cream to inhibit the growth of acne (x).
Besides being a vital ingredient for skin and oral care, black cumin seed is one of the best solutions for dandruff and natural hair growth (x).
A study included Labeo rohita, a type of carp fish in South Asia. For 28 days, the researchers supplemented their feed with black cumin seed. The black cumin reduced the saturated fatty acids and increased the unsaturated fatty acids, dramatically improving the flesh of the fish. The findings prove that black cumin seeds have fatty acids that prevent skin and hair dryness, eczema, acne, brittle nails, rashes and allergies (x).
The black cumin seed oil helps restore hair loss because of its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It strengthens the hair follicles, thus helping support the hair roots, building up strong and lush hair (x).

Black Cumin Seed Oil Dosage
Black cumin seed oil dosage depends on the condition or health concern you want to alleviate. Most of the studies mentioned in this article had the participants taking 500 mg a day or twice a day.
Some take 1000 mg a day and experience the benefits of the amber-hued oil. Though, a toxicity study by Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences suggests 900 mg, keeping the levels of TQ limited (x). It’s best if you talk with your physician before starting any new supplement.
Black Cumin Seed Oil Side Effects
Mostly, there are no known severe side effects from taking black cumin seed oil, though you don’t want to take too much of a good thing. Talk with your doctor about taking black cumin seed oil.
Breastfeeding and pregnant women should avoid taking the amber-hued oil until their doctor says it’s the right thing to take.
Though side effects are rare, if you take it orally, you may experience:
- Bloating
- Nausea
- Indigestion
- Burning sensation
- Low blood sugar
As a topical application, you may experience an allergic rash. So, test a tiny area of your skin first to see if you are allergic to black cumin seed.
Also, TQ may inhibit some drugs, so check with your healthcare provider to see if this factor applies to you (x).
Where to Buy Black Cumin Seed Oil Softgel Capsules?
You can purchase Black Cumin Seed Oil Softgel Capsules at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor of pure dietary supplements. BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other brands that distribute food and other supplement products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Are you interested in trying black cumin seed oil softgel capsules as a dietary softgel capsules supplement for its potential to support immunity, healthy aging, rheumatoid arthritis, digestion, skin and hair care and cardiovascular health? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order today.
The Bottom Line
Some people say that black cumin seed oil can cure anything under the moon, sun and stars. The amber-hued oil treats many health concerns, from cancer to respiratory infections, for centuries.
Thymoquinone is the active property in black cumin that is effective against many diseases and illnesses. It provides anticancer, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and other essential biological activity. The medical field uses TQ for neurological, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, infertility and various infections, from bacterial to parasitic to fungal and viral infections.
The black cumin seed also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid) that help heal the skin, preventing and treating acne, eczema and psoriasis. It’s also an excellent solution for dandruff, hair dryness, hair growth and brittle nails.
The benefits available in black cumin seed oil softgel capsules seem endless. The Holy Bible also mentions black cumin for its curative assets. And the Egyptians used the oil as an antibacterial, insect repellent and digestive aid.
It’s no wonder the Prophet Mohammad said, “This black cumin is healing for all diseases except death.” Thus, the Muslim community calls this spicy, medicinal herb “Prophetic medicine.”
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.