Updated: 11/2/23
If you’ve ever felt exhausted beyond belief, if you’re struggling with brain fog and feeling overwhelmed, it might be time to explore the possibility of a hormone imbalance. A deficiency in your hormones can impact many areas of your life, obstructing your physical and mental wellbeing. Hypopituitarism is one such condition caused by an underactive pituitary gland – known as ‘the master gland’ that regulates body processes through releasing hormones. The good news? There is plenty that can be done to naturally manage symptoms of hypopituitarism using supplements – curbing fatigue, nervousness, digestive issues and much more! In this blog post we’ll discuss how to use vitamins and minerals for boosting hormones — giving you the power to take charge of your health once again!
What is Hypopituitarism?
Hypopituitarism is a condition when the pituitary gland produces either low or no hormones that are necessary for the body to function correctly. The pituitary gland is dubbed the “master gland” since it produces and regulates growth hormones, thyroid-stimulating hormones, prolactin, luteinizing hormones, and follicle-stimulating hormones. In hypopituitarism, the pituitary gland can’t produce the hormones often critical for the growth and maintenance of the body. Located in the brain between the hypothalamus and the pineal gland, the pituitary gland is the master gland in the human body. It is responsible for producing various hormones that the body needs to function, including:
- Growth hormone (GH) – controls growth and metabolic processes
- Oxytocin – essential during labor, delivery and lactation
- Prolactin (PRL) – stimulates breast milk production
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) – controls blood pressure and water retention
- Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) – regulates hormone production in the thyroid gland
- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) & luteinizing hormone (LH) – regulate primary hormones
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) – regulates vital stress hormones dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and cortisol in the adrenal gland
A patient with hypopituitarism lacks at least one of these hormones in their pituitary gland. As a result, the individual experiences hormone deficiencies in the body.
Hypopituitarism Symptoms
Hypopituitarism is a condition that occurs when this essential gland doesn’t produce enough hormones to meet the body’s needs. If left untreated, this condition can lead to a wide range of symptoms and complications.
Fatigue and Weakness
One of the most common symptoms of hypopituitarism is fatigue and weakness. If you feel excessively tired, even after getting plenty of rest, and have trouble concentrating, it could be a sign of this condition. Fatigue is a result of the body not getting enough thyroid hormone, which the pituitary gland regulates. If you’re experiencing severe and persistent fatigue, it’s essential to speak with a healthcare provider who can evaluate and diagnose the underlying cause.
One of the most common symptoms of hypopituitarism is anemia, a condition in which the body does not have enough red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, weakness, and pale skin. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Stomach Pain, Decreased Appetite, Nausea, and Vomiting, Constipation
Hypopituitarism can also cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach pain, decreased appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Constipation is also a common symptom of hypopituitarism. If you are experiencing any gastrointestinal symptoms, contact your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause.
Excessive Thirst and Urination
Hypopituitarism can also cause excessive thirst and urination. This symptom is caused by the body’s inability to regulate water balance due to an imbalance of hormones. If you are experiencing frequent thirst or urination, it is important to discuss these symptoms with your healthcare provider.
Menstrual Irregularities
Women with hypopituitarism may experience menstrual irregularities as the pituitary gland plays a key role in regulating the female reproductive system. Women may experience changes in menstrual cycles or complete menstrual cessation. In addition to this, the reduction in reproductive hormones can cause other related symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, lack of appetite and mood swings.
Intimate Dysfunction
Men with hypopituitarism may also experience dysfunction due to the diminished levels of male hormones and other related hormones responsible for regulating function. Men may notice a decreased passion, dysfunction, and fertility problems. As with other hypopituitarism symptoms, discussing these issues with healthcare professionals is crucial so that treatment options can be explored.
Feeling Cold
A low thyroid hormone level occurs quite frequently with hypopituitarism, leading to persistent feelings of cold. Feeling chilly when others feel warm might be a sign of hypopituitarism. The best way to deal with it is to regulate your body temperature by wearing warm clothes, moving around more often, and keeping your home at a comfortable temperature.
People with hypopituitarism often experience frequent headaches, and sometimes these headaches can be severe and long-lasting. If you are experiencing headaches more frequently than usual, it’s crucial to consult a doctor.
Impaired Vision
The pituitary gland is located near the optic nerves, and as a result, hypopituitarism can lead to changes or complete loss of vision. This can occur due to the pressure of a pituitary tumor, which can affect the surrounding nerves responsible for vision.
Mood Swings
Pituitary hormone deficiencies can also impact a person’s mood. Depression, irritability and anxiety are all common symptoms of hypopituitarism as the condition can impact levels of dopamine, the hormone responsible for regulating our moods.
Rapid Weight Gain
People with hypopituitarism may also experience rapid weight gain, even with a proper diet and exercise. This is a common symptom of hypothyroidism—a condition characterized by an underactive thyroid gland. The thyroid gland helps regulate the body’s metabolism, and an underactive gland will lead to a slower metabolism, thus leading to rapid weight gain. A healthy lifestyle, proper dieting, and other treatment options can help manage this symptom effectively.
Brain Fog and Impaired Memory
Hypopituitarism can also cause brain fog, a state of mental confusion characterized by difficulty with concentration, memory, and clarity of thought. This symptom can appear with or without the presence of other symptoms and can have a severe impact on a person’s daily activities and work. If you’re experiencing these symptoms of brain fog, it’s essential to speak with a healthcare provider to understand the root cause.
Dizziness and Fainting
Hypopituitarism can interrupt the normal functioning of your adrenal gland, which can cause dizziness and fainting. When the adrenal gland produces less cortisol, it can cause your blood pressure to drop, leading to these symptoms. If you’re experiencing these symptoms of dizziness and fainting, seek medical assistance.
Paleness and Dark Circles
People with hypopituitarism might experience pale skin and dark circles under the eyes. This occurs because of low hormone levels in the blood, which can impact skin quality and engender a pale complexion. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s highly recommended to undergo a medical check-up.
Deficiencies with Hypopituitarism Symptoms
Hypopituitarism symptoms vary, depending on which hormones the patient is missing. Each different deficiency causes its own set of symptoms.
Growth Hormone (GH) Deficiency
In children, growth hormone deficiency raises body fat and stunts growth. In adults, the deficiency may interfere with energy and physical ability. It may also cause changes in body composition, decreasing muscle mass and increasing fat. Patients may also face a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Deficiency
A deficiency in thyroid stimulating hormone causes thyroid hormone deficiency. Symptoms of TSH deficiency include weakness, fatigue, lethargy, difficulty losing weight, inability to concentrate, difficulty with memory, constipation and chills. The skin can become dry and the patient may have a pale complexion. Additionally, the patient may also develop high cholesterol, liver problems and anemia. In rare cases, severe thyroid hormone deficiency may cause low body temperature, coma and possibly even death.
Prolactin (PRL) Deficiency
Prolactin is the hormone that helps produce breast milk. If there is a lack of PRL in the body, a patient may not produce milk after childbirth and may be unable to breastfeed.
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Deficiency
This deficiency may affect male and female patients differently because FSH and LH regulate hormones. In both men and women, it may cause low drive, infertility and osteoporosis, which can increase the risk for bone fractures. In female patients specifically, FSH and LH deficiency can cause vaginal dryness or interfere with monthly periods and cause amenorrhea—absence of menstrual periods—or female dysfunction. Male patients may suffer from low sperm count and dysfunction.
Antidiuretic Hormone Deficiency (ADH)
Lack of antidiuretic hormone causes diabetes insipidus. The most common symptoms include frequent urination and excess thirst, especially at night. It is not the same as type 1 or type 2 diabetes, both of which result from blood sugar imbalance. The antidiuretic hormone regulates water retention.
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) Deficiency
This deficiency causes a deficiency in the hormone cortisol. Symptoms include weight loss, weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, low sodium serum and abdominal pain. During times of severe stress like surgery or infections, cortisol deficiency can potentially lead to coma and even death.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone also stimulates and regulates dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) secretion in the adrenal cortex. DHEA plays a part in regulating female passion, but it has little effect on males because they much higher levels of male hormones. But in females, DHEA deficiency may contribute to depression, fatigue and low drive.

Causes of Hypopituitarism
Patients with hypopituitarism have a deficiency in at least one pituitary hormone. Hormone deficiency causes dysfunction in the organ or gland that the hormone regulates. There are several different factors that may interfere with hormone function and cause hypopituitarism.
Pituitary Tumors
One of the most common causes of hypopituitarism is a pituitary tumor. These tumors can be benign or malignant and can affect the production of hormones that control growth, metabolism, and reproduction. When the tumor starts to put pressure on the pituitary gland, it can lead to hypopituitarism. Treatment options for pituitary tumors will depend on the type and severity of the tumor.
There are several forms of trauma to the brain that can trigger hypopituitarism, including a brain tumor or brain surgery. Tumors on the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, as well as radiotherapy to the brain, can also trigger the disorder. A traumatic head injury or stroke may also cause it or the condition may result from a ruptured aneurysm. The patient may also suffer from inflammation or an infection in the brain tissue or pituitary apoplexy which results from dead tissue in the pituitary gland.
Metabolic or Immune Conditions
Sometimes, hypopituitarism results from metabolic or immune system conditions. However, these causes are not as common. For example, lymphocytic hypophysitis is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in the pituitary gland and histiocytosis X increases immune cells called histiocytes. Both of these conditions may interfere with pituitary gland function. In addition, a condition called hemochromatosis can develop if the patient has too much iron in the body and sarcoidosis causes inflammation in the tissue and organs.
Genetic Mutations
In some cases, hypopituitarism can be caused by genetic mutations that affect the development of the pituitary gland. These mutations can also affect hormone production or the function of the pituitary gland. Inherited disorders like Kallmann syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome can also lead to hypopituitarism. Treatment options for genetic mutations that cause hypopituitarism depend on the specific disorder and may include hormone replacement therapy or other medications.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy used to treat brain tumors or cancer can damage the pituitary gland, leading to hypopituitarism. The damage caused by radiation therapy can be temporary or permanent, and the risk of developing hypopituitarism depends on the dose and duration of radiation. Treatment options for hypopituitarism caused by radiation therapy include hormone replacement therapy.
Sheehan Syndrome
In addition, hypopituitarism may be a rare complication from heavy bleeding during pregnancy. This blood loss destroys tissues in the pituitary gland and interrupts its function. This condition is called Sheehan syndrome (x).
One of the most common causes of hypopituitarism is a stroke. When a patient suffers a stroke, it can cause the blood supply to the pituitary gland to be disrupted. The disruption can lead to permanent damage to the gland, either by causing it to stop producing hormones completely or by reducing the rate of hormone production.
Burst Aneurysm
Another potential cause of hypopituitarism is the rupture of an aneurysm, which is a bulging blood vessel. If the aneurysm ruptures within the brain, it can cause damage to the pituitary gland while simultaneously jeopardizing the patient’s life.
Certain medicines may also impair pituitary function. These may include glucocorticoids and prostate cancer drugs. Glucocorticoids are the most common medications that can increase the risk for hypopituitarism. They are designed to help treat immune and inflammatory disorders.
How Rare is Hypopituitarism?
Hypopituitarism is certainly a lesser-known condition and has not been studied adequately on its incidence rate. Hence, it’s difficult to estimate how prevalent it is. However, some studies claim it to be a rare disorder that affects about 1 in 10,000 people. But, the prevalence of hypopituitarism varies widely depending on the cause, age group, gender, and race.
According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, the incidence of pituitary adenomas, the most common cause of hypopituitarism, is about six cases per 100,000 annually. In contrast, a study in America showed the incidence to be as high as 16.7 cases per 100,000 population. Additionally, cases of hypopituitarism due to traumatic brain injury or brain tumors are prevalent among older adults.
Diagnosing Hypopituitarism
The diagnosis of hypopituitarism typically involves a combination of physical examinations, blood tests, and imaging studies. Your doctor may perform tests to measure the levels of hormones produced by the pituitary gland, such as the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). Imaging studies such as an MRI or CT scan may also be ordered to evaluate the pituitary gland and surrounding structures.
Hypopituitarism Treatment
To treat hypopituitarism, a physician will first identify the underlying cause. This may help restore the pituitary gland’s ability to make hormones.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone replacement therapy is a popular form of treatment for hypopituitarism. This therapy involves taking hormone supplements to replenish the hormones that the body is not producing. Hormone replacement therapy can help improve symptoms of hypopituitarism, including fatigue, weight gain, and lethargy.
Radiotherapy is another hypopituitarism treatment option available. This treatment uses radiation to destroy the tumor or cyst, thus normalizing hormone levels. This procedure is typically recommended for patients with pituitary gland tumors.
Surgery may also be required for treatment of hypopituitarism in more severe cases. An experienced surgeon can remove the tumor or other abnormal growths, thus restoring proper hormone levels. In less severe cases, partial removal of the growth may suffice.
In some instances, medication may be used to treat hypopituitarism effectively. These medications range from hormone supplements to other medications that help improve pituitary gland function. A doctor will evaluate a patient’s symptoms before recommending any medication.
Lifestyle Changes
Changes in lifestyle can also contribute to hypopituitarism treatment and recovery. Positive lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet and exercise regimen, can help improve a patient’s overall well-being even after hormone replacement therapy.
Hypopituitarism vs Hyperpituitarism
Hypopituitarism occurs when the pituitary gland does not produce enough hormones. This condition can be caused by tumors, infections, radiation therapy, or head trauma. Some of the symptoms of hypopituitarism include fatigue, low blood pressure, loss of appetite, weight gain, darkening of the skin, and infertility. Patients may require hormone replacement therapy to replace the hormones that the body is missing.
Hyperpituitarism, on the other hand, occurs when the pituitary gland produces too much of one or more hormones. This condition is usually caused by a noncancerous tumor called a pituitary adenoma. The most common types of hyperpituitarism are prolactinoma, acromegaly, and Cushing’s syndrome. Symptoms of hyperpituitarism may include headaches, vision changes, excessive thirst, urination, and facial changes. There are various treatments for hyperpituitarism, depending on the type and severity of the condition, including medication, radiation therapy, and surgery.
Can Hypopituitarism Cause Hypothyroidism?
Are you feeling tired and sluggish lately despite getting enough sleep? Are you struggling to lose weight, no matter how hard you try? These symptoms could be signs of hypothyroidism – a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. But did you know that hypopituitarism, a rare condition affecting the pituitary gland, can also contribute to hypothyroidism?
Hypopituitarism is a condition that occurs when the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain responsible for regulating hormone production, doesn’t produce enough of one or more hormones. This can lead to a range of symptoms depending on which hormones are affected, including fatigue, low blood pressure, and weight gain. One of the hormones that the pituitary gland produces is called thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone. Therefore, when the pituitary gland doesn’t produce enough TSH, the thyroid gland doesn’t receive the proper signal to produce enough thyroid hormone, leading to hypothyroidism.
Supplements for Hypopituitarism
Patients also have the option to take dietary supplements to support pituitary function and hormone production. However, always consult a doctor before starting a supplement regimen. Supplements do not cure hypopituitarism or any other medical condition. Instead, they aim to improve overall health.
Vitamin D
This essential vitamin plays a vital role in bone health, immune system function, and hormone production. Research suggests that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in hypopituitarism patients, and supplementation may improve their symptoms. A daily dose of 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D3 softgels is recommended for most people, but your doctor may adjust the dosage according to your needs.
Omega-3 fatty acids
These healthy fats are abundant in fish oil and have anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate the inflammation caused by hypopituitarism. Omega-3s also protect the heart and brain, improve mood, and support joint health. You can take fish oil supplements or eat fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel.
Gut health is essential for overall health, and probiotics can promote a healthy gut microbiome. Hypopituitarism patients often experience digestive issues like bloating, constipation, and diarrhea, which can worsen their symptoms. Probiotics can restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut, improve digestion, and boost your immune system. You can find probiotics in supplements or fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut.
This hormone regulates sleep-wake cycles and is usually produced by the pineal gland. However, hypopituitarism can disrupt the production of melatonin, leading to insomnia or other sleep disorders. Melatonin supplements can help you fall asleep faster, improve sleep quality, and reduce daytime fatigue. The recommended dosage is 1-3mg taken 30 minutes before bedtime.
This mineral is crucial for immune system function, wound healing, and hormone synthesis. Hypopituitarism patients may have low levels of zinc, which can affect their immune system and cause skin rashes. Zinc supplements can boost your immunity, reduce inflammation, and improve skin health. The recommended dose is 30-50mg per day, but consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
L-Arginine is an amino acid that may enhance hormone production, including growth hormone and possibly help reduce hypopituitarism symptoms. It may also help heal wounds, balance bodily fluids, increase sperm production and relax blood vessels.
To help the body produce and expend more L-Arginine naturally, eat healthy sources of protein like grass-fed beef, cultured yogurt, free-range eggs, organ meats and liver, pasture-raised poultry, walnuts, almonds and wild fish. As a dietary supplement, the recommended dose for L-Arginine base is 750 mg three times a day on an empty stomach. But individual needs can vary. Make sure to consult a doctor for approval before taking this supplement.
Glycine amino acid plays a vital role in human hormone production. Studies indicate that glycine is beneficial for forming enzymes and hormones. It is very important for growth, including bone and muscle health. The recommended dosage for glycine powder is 100 mg up to three times a day, unless a physician advises against it or instructs a different dosage.
Although ginseng is popular for its ability to temporarily boost energy and focus, the extract may also help promote male and female intimate health. It may help improve passion and improve function in premenopausal stages. The recommended serving size for American ginseng extract powder is 1,000 mg once or twice per day. Consult a physician before taking the supplement.
Ashwagandha is an herbal extract that contains anti-inflammatory properties and researchers believe it may be able to help improve focus and concentration in conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It may also improve health and relieve anxiety. As a dietary supplement, the recommended dose for ashwagandha extract powder is 450 mg up to three times a day, or as recommended by a doctor.
Astragalus Root
Astragalus is a family of plants that contains mostly small herbs and shrubs. Most of the time, they grow in temperate climates in the Northern Hemisphere. For centuries, Chinese and Persian cultures have used it in traditional medicine practices. It can help support the immune system and produce antibodies to fight viruses and bacteria. As a dietary supplement, take 1,300 mg of astragalus extract powder per day with meals, or as instructed by a doctor.
The Bottom Line
Hypopituitarism is a disorder in which the pituitary gland doesn’t produce adequate hormones. The pituitary gland produces and secretes growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone and prolactin. It also regulates hormone levels that other glands produce and secrete in the body.
Hypopituitarism symptoms are many and varied, depending on the hormone(s) missing. They include fatigue, nausea, constipation, infertility, depression, unexplained weight changes, increased thirst or frequent urination and changes in drive. Hypopituitarism most commonly occurs from tissue damage or inflammation in the pituitary gland. Patients may have brain tumors, head trauma or another injury that cause it. Hypopituitarism may also result from more uncommon autoimmune or metabolic disorders.
Treatment includes surgery to remove any tumors that may cause the condition or hormone replacement therapy to help stimulate hormone production. However, treatment ultimately depends on the underlying cause and which hormones the patient is missing. Patients may also find dietary supplements beneficial. Some supplements can help with hormone production, but they are not a cure for hypopituitarism or any other medical condition. Consult a doctor before starting a supplement regimen.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease