Updated: 11/21/23
Are you looking for a natural remedy to improve liver health and bowel movements? Look no further, because the answer may lie within turkey rhubarb. With its long history of use as an herbal tonic, this earthy vegetable can offer relief from physical ailments such as constipation, gallbladder issues and indigestion. By providing necessary nourishment to your liver – one of your body’s most essential organs – it helps keep everything in balance while also improving digestive processes. After reading this article, you should have a more informed view on why turkey rhubarb is so beneficial to our overall health and well-being.
What is Turkey Rhubarb?
Known scientifically as Rheum palmatum or Rheum officinale, turkey rhubarb is a food and, at the same time, a medicinal plant. It is identified for its thick and sour stalk, which is cooked and added with sugar. It has a red to pink stalk with a pale green leaf that tastes like celery. Turkey rhubarb usually grows in a mountainous and temperate place. This plant is popular in Northeast Asia, North America and Northern Europe. Some varieties of this plant grow in Western countries as a garden rhubarb.
This plant is identified by some researchers and by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a fruit for its sour to slightly sweet taste. Normally, rhubarb is used as a food ingredient or food cooked and sweetened with sugar. In North America and the United Kingdom, rhubarb is a traditional dessert and is often baked as a pie.
In other parts of the world, turkey rhubarb is called Chinese rhubarb and Indian rhubarb. Typically, it is used for people who have digestive problems like stomach ache, constipation, swelling or inflammation of the pancreas and diarrhea. Women find rhubarb as an effective cure for menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) and symptoms of menopause. Though there is no specific scientific study or evidence that supports its medicinal effect, people continue using it.
Is Turkey Rhubarb a Laxative?
Turkey rhubarb is a powerful laxative that can promote bowel movements and help relieve constipation. It works by irritating the lining of the colon, which stimulates the muscles in the bowel to contract and eliminate stools. It also increases the secretion of bile, which helps with digestion. However, the use of high doses of turkey rhubarb can be dangerous and can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.
Benefits of Turkey Rhubarb
Aside from being a nutritious fruit, rhubarb contains chemicals that are beneficial for people who have the following condition:
Enhances Digestive Health
One of the most well-known benefits of turkey rhubarb is its ability to support digestive health. This herb has been used traditionally to treat and prevent a range of digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux. It’s the presence of anthraquinones in turkey rhubarb that adds bulk to the stool which can help in regularizing bowel movements. This way, the herb aids in the process of waste elimination.
Lowers Inflammation Levels
Turkey rhubarb is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It helps to reduce inflammation levels in the body by blocking the pathway from inflammatory cells. Consequently, this helps alleviate conditions like headaches, joint pain, arthritis, and tenderness.
Boosts Immune System
Turkey rhubarb also helps to boost the immune system’s efficiency. This means that the herb enhances the overall immunity of the body and reduces the risk of catching certain illnesses. The herb’s antibacterial and anti-fungal properties also provide additional benefits.
Reduces Anxiety and Stress Levels
Anxiety and stress are two of the most common mental health disorders in the world today. Rhubarb can help in reducing stress levels; thereby treats several conditions related to stress and anxiety. It contains antioxidants, which help to shield the body against the harmful effects of stress.
Acts as a Natural Skin Toner
Turkey rhubarb is also in the cosmetic industry to create natural skin toners. The herb can help to regulate excess oil production, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and improve skin elasticity. Overall, it’s a good solution for those who want an all-natural, healthy skincare routine.
Treatment for Cold Sores
They are also famous for fever blisters. It is by small, fluid blisters that grow on the lips or around it. This is a common viral infection and is contagious when in close contact with another person. According to a study conducted in 2001, rhubarb in the form of topical cream can serve as an anti-viral medicine.
Menopause Relief
In women, this is the condition that marks the end of their monthly menstrual cycle. This is accompanied by some symptoms like sweating, a quick change in their mood, fatigue, hot flashes and sleep disturbances. In some studies, the extract from the root of this medicinal plant provides relief to these symptoms.
Provides Relief from Menstrual Problems
Women suffering from irregular menstrual cycles or a lack thereof can find relief with turkey rhubarb. The emmenagogic properties of this plant can regulate menstrual cycles by stimulating blood flow to the pelvic area.
Eases Pancreatitis
The pancreas is the body organ that’s responsible for producing insulin, which in turn helps in the conversion of food to fuel the cells. Pancreatitis occurs when it swells due to smoking or high alcohol intake. The rhubarb extract, as an alternative anti-inflammatory medicine, may help if taken orally.
Protects the Liver
The liver is an essential organ that plays a vital role in detoxifying the body. Turkey rhubarb’s hepatoprotective properties help ensure that the liver is healthy and functioning at its best. According to some studies, turkey rhubarb can help prevent liver damage caused by toxins or excessive alcohol consumption.
Balances Hormones
Turkey Rhubarb has lots of phytoestrogens that can help to balance hormones, especially in women. The herb decreases levels of estrogen and progesterone, leading to an improvement in premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. It can also help relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.
Aids Weight Loss
Turkey rhubarb shows to accelerate weight loss by improving digestion and regulating the metabolism. Because it aids with bowel movements, helping to remove accumulated waste, turkey rhubarb can help control weight gain from digestive problems. It also helps the body to process fat more efficiently.
Treats Stroke
A study in 2014 has shown Traditional Chinese medicine rhubarb root partnered with rhizome has shown positive effects in treating ischemic stroke. An extensive study is necessary to confirm this claim, however, many people say that they feel better while taking this compared to just taking a typical stroke treatment alone.
High Cholesterol
According to some studies, eating rhubarb stalks for four consecutive weeks may lower the cholesterol levels of people diagnosed with high cholesterol.

Side Effects of Rhubarb
The side effects of Rhubarb are somehow dependent on how long a person has consumed it as a medicine. Rhubarb stem, when in the form of food, is safe. In addition, rhubarb roots and rhizome, if taken in the form of medicine in the right dosage for four weeks, is still possibly safe. Meanwhile, the rhubarb leaves are not particularly safe to eat since this part contains oxalic acid, which may cause stomach ache, nausea, burning of the mouth, vomiting and seizure.
Gastrointestinal Discomfort
Rhubarb contains a high amount of fiber. While fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system, it can cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort when consumed in large amounts. If you’re prone to digestive issues, it’s best to consumer rhubarb in moderation.
Cause Kidney Problems
Rhubarb is high in oxalic acid, which can increase the risk of kidney problems. Consuming rhubarb in excessive amounts can lead to the formation of kidney stones. If you already suffer from kidney problems, it’s best to avoid rhubarb altogether.
Decrease Calcium Absorption
Rhubarb is a rich source of calcium. However, it also contains oxalic acid, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption. If you rely on rhubarb as your primary source of calcium, you may want to reconsider.
Allergic Reaction
While rare, some people may be allergic to rhubarb. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, hives, and a sudden drop in blood pressure. If you experience any of these symptoms after consuming rhubarb, seek medical attention immediately.
Interact with Certain Medications
Rhubarb is known to interact with certain medications. If you’re taking medication for any medical condition, it’s best to consult your doctor before consuming rhubarb. Medications that rhubarb can interact with include antacids and blood-thinning medications.
Not Safe for Kids
This herbal medicine is not safe for children because of its high amounts of oxalic acid. Taking this medicinal plant may cause oxalic poisoning to children. Rhubarb is also considered unsafe for babies when taken in higher amounts than what is found from the breast milk that they are fed. Pregnant women should avoid taking the supplement.
Turkey Rhubarb Extract Dosage
Rhubarbs can produce laxative effects when taken in high dosages and may also work as an astringent tonic to the digestive system if consumed in smaller doses. The roots of the said plant can be a treatment for hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, liver issues, menstrual problems, gall bladder complaints, diarrhea, and skin eruptions due to the accumulation of the toxins inside the body. This treatment, however, is not advisable for pregnant and lactating mothers or patients receiving a diagnosis with intestinal obstructions.
Rhubarb can also be as an external treatment for burns.
Patients with sepsis are given crude rhubarb extract of up to 9 grams in powder form. Also, those who undergo radiation therapy take 20 mg/kg for 6 weeks. 50 mg/kg is the dosage to take for patients with atherosclerosis for 6 months.
Patients with blood stagnation (also known as Oketsu in Oriental medicine) are given long term dosages (12 months) of rhubarb extract in Kampo medicine (replication of Chinese medicine in Japan). While people with lazy bowel movement syndrome take short term dosages of about 2 weeks.
The Bottom Line
Many countries have been using rhizomes and the roots of rhubarb in their culture for a long time. Gut, kidney and liver protection to reducing inflammation and fighting infections are some of rhubarb’s numerous benefits according to scientific studies. Rhubarb is also a common and effective remedy for relieving menstrual cramps and many symptoms of menopause in women. Some claim that the medicinal plant boosts positive moods and reduces anxiety among women.
Rhubarb is generally safe when in small amounts, although it can cause few side effects. However, some studies show that rhubarb should not be with other medications as it may cause some severe damage to various body organs. The leaves of rhubarb should not be consumed because of the toxic amount of oxalic acid present in them.
Turkey rhubarb is undoubtedly an excellent natural supplement for a healthy body. Having established its many benefits, it is essential to source your supplement from a reliable manufacturer and follow the recommended daily dosage for better results. Including turkey rhubarb in your diet and lifestyle can be incredibly beneficial in achieving and maintaining overall wellness. The power of nature is unbeatable, and using natural remedies like turkey rhubarb should be the first choice for ailment treatment as it has lots of health benefits. So, consider incorporating this incredible plant into your daily diet and observe its remarkable effects on your overall health.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease