Tea has been a valuable commodity in cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. Easy to see why, considering it provides comfort, energy, hydration, and a bevy of valuable health benefits.
You can make many plants into herbal infusions, commonly referred to as “tea.” However, authentic tea comes from the beverage made from cured leaves of the Camillia Sinensis plant native to Asia.
The four main tea types are black tea, green tea, white tea, and oolong tea. These are all made from the same plant, but have different tastes and nutritional profiles. Each variety of leaves go through a process that is a little different for each kind.
Oolong tea may not be the most popular supplement, but it has tremendous health perks. It can aid with weight loss and blood sugar control and help ward off cardiovascular disease, age-related cognitive decline, and even cancer.
What is Oolong Tea Extract?
Oolong tea falls somewhere between green tea and black tea. The leaves come only partially oxidized, unlike those of black tea, which come fully oxidized and fermented. Its antioxidant content is also somewhere between green tea and black tea. These antioxidants (or polyphenols) and caffeine give the tea some of its health-promoting qualities. And if consumed without sugar, it also has zero calories or fat.
Aside from that, you can consume oolong tea as a beverage and as an extract. Oolong tea extracts are dietary supplements that can be powders or liquids and consumed in capsules or added to other foods or drinks.
History of Oolong Tea
It appears oolong tea received its first recognition in the Western culture when the British ambassador to China gifted some oolong tea to the Queen of England. She cherished the unique aroma, taste, and distinct appearance. It differed from any teas in England. She appropriately named it “Oriental Beauty.”
Oolong tea started in Fujian province over 1,000 years ago as a tribute tea called Beiyuan tea, a tribute to the royal family or emperor — well-known tea during the Song Dynasty.
But the story of the tea origins doesn’t stop there. A legend tells of a tea farmer of the Qing dynasty in Fujian. While picking tea, he saw a deer and hunted the deer instead. The next day he returned to finish processing the tea when he noticed the leaves’ edges had partly oxidized, giving off a surprising aroma. He continued processing the tea and became pleased with the tea, having a new, sweet flavor without the usual bitterness. The farmer’s nickname was Oolong, and thus the name for the new tea. (x)
Benefits of Oolong Tea
As mentioned earlier, you can supplement the tea as a powder or liquid as it provides energy, comfort, hydration, and many health benefits. Before you start any new supplement, discuss it with your physician. Some of those benefits include:
- Weight Loss
Widely associated with an increase in fat burning, tea consumption can aid in weight loss. However, most research studies focus on unoxidized green tea. Increasingly, though, more animal and human studies show that oxidized tea (like oolong) may have even more significant anti-obesity potential.
For example, one specific polyphenol found in oolong tea, called oolongtheanin 3′-O-gallate —polyphenol (plant compounds with antioxidant properties), (x) showed a more remarkable ability to prevent absorption of dietary fat and sugar than the polyphenols found in green tea. Also, the oxidized tea leaves compared with the non-oxidized leaves positively affect the gut microflora, enhancing their weight loss effects. (x) (x)
Besides the unique polyphenols found in oolong tea, its metabolism-boosting effects are attributed to its caffeine content. (x)
While animal studies are more consistent in their findings, human studies have not been so consistent. The fat-burning effects of oolong tea may be more pronounced in people with Asian ancestry and those who drink little caffeine. (x)
- May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Tea can help manage or prevent unbalanced blood sugar issues, like type 2 diabetes. While green tea and black tea are the focus of more studies, oolong tea also exhibits sugar-balancing effects.
For example, a small study involving 20 people with type 2 diabetes found that compared to drinking only water, participants who drank oolong tea for 30 days had significantly lowered blood sugar. (x) Another study that looked specifically at the effects of oolong tea yielded similar results. (x)
How does tea work to help manage blood sugar and insulin levels? The polyphenols in tea may help block the absorption of glucose. They may also inhibit glucose production in the liver. While most studies focus on green tea, oolong tea contains the same polyphenols. (x) (x) (x)
- Heart Healthy
Oolong tea is excellent for the heart, and research studies back this up. A comprehensive study in Japan involving 76,000 men and women found that those who drank at least one cup of oolong tea per day significantly reduced their risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes. (x)
How does this work? Well, it works in a few ways. First, oolong tea helps lower LDL, also known as “bad cholesterol.” It also reduces blood pressure. High cholesterol and blood pressure are two major risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease. (x) (x)
- Good for Body and Soul
There is evidence that oolong tea may be healthy for the overall body concerning the mind’s well-being. Scientists are still studying this effect. However, it appears oolong tea may help protect the body from age-related cognitive decline while also improving your mental outlook on life. (x)
The scientific research behind this finding is straightforward. First, oolong tea contains caffeine, and caffeine promotes the release of dopamine and norepinephrine. Both dopamine and norepinephrine enhance your overall body’s function and mental outlook with the ability to focus. (x)
Second, research has shown that theanine, an amino acid in oolong tea, may reduce anxiety and improve your body’s capacity to function better in life. One study found that the combination of theanine and caffeine in tea helps increase alertness better than either ingredient alone. (x)
The rich polyphenol content of oolong tea protects your body and nerve cells from oxidative damage. (x)
- Cancer Prevention
Tea, including oolong, may have a role in cancer prevention. Currently, green and black teas are, more commonly, the focus of research studies involving cancer. Perhaps this is because their popularity shows more consumption of these varieties. Oolong may also have a place at the table, as it is also rich in many of the same polyphenols. (x)
Studies suggest that tea, especially green tea, may reduce the risk of esophageal, lung, liver, oral, and pancreatic cancer. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Scientists believe the polyphenols, which are antioxidants, help prevent cells from turning cancerous and reproducing. (x) (x)
It is very promising, but researchers don’t have enough information to recommend any specific way to use tea to prevent or treat cancer. Ideally, you discuss this with your physician or simply enjoy a good cup of tea.
- Eczema Relief
Oolong tea has yet another benefit — it could help relieve the uncomfortable and hard-to-manage symptoms of eczema. One study of patients with eczema found that those who drank an extensive amount of tea each day besides continuing their regular treatment improved symptoms after just one month. (x)

Oolong Tea Extract Dosage
Serving size and timing of tea is best to take 500 mg (scant 1/4 tsp) of oolong extract 1 to 2 times daily, or as otherwise suggested by a doctor. Though oolong serves as an excellent addition to one’s regimen, it is essential to note that it is not a substitute for medical advice from a professional.
Where to Buy Oolong Tea Extract?
You can purchase oolong tea extract at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor for pure dietary supplements. BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other food and supplement brands to make their products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Are you interested in trying oolong tea extract? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order.
Side Effects of Oolong Tea Extract
Despite providing a laundry list of health benefits, oolong tea extract isn’t perfect. Like most supplements, it comes with some common but minor side effects. Some include:
- Headache and Anxiety
Because oolong tea contains caffeine, it isn’t uncommon to deal with headaches after consumption. Those who suffer from severe anxiety may want to avoid consuming oolong tea, as the caffeine can also cause one to overreact to high-stress situations. (x)
- Diarrhea
If you are dealing with indigestion, drinking oolong tea may not be the best idea. The caffeine contained within oolong tea may worsen symptoms of diarrhea. (x)
The Bottom Line
We’ve all heard about the endless benefits of green tea. But oolong tea can pack a similar antioxidant punch through its unique processing of partial oxidizing the tea leaves while offering fermentation services.
Whether it’s for weight loss, heart health, energy, or longevity, the oolong tea in a concentrated extract form makes it easier than ever to get the polyphenols from the tea. You don’t have to brew and drink several upon several cups a day.
When taking the extract, be mindful of the side effects like headaches, anxiety, and diarrhea.
Finally, there is nothing wrong with sitting down and enjoying a traditional cup of tea in the morning or afternoon.
The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.