Updated: 10/2/23
Are you looking for ways to boost your energy levels and reduce inflammation? Kola nut may be just the natural remedy you’ve been searching for. For centuries in Africa, kola nut has traditionally been used as a health and relaxation aid due to its high caffeine content and powerful antioxidants. Today, more people are turning towards natural remedies like kola nut because it offers unique benefits that can significantly improve your overall wellbeing— such as increased energy, improved digestion, reduced inflammation, brain stimulation, and greater focus. In this blog post we will explore how incorporating kola nuts into your daily diet can help create an inner balance of vitality and wellness.
What is Kola Nut Extract?
The word “cola” may conjure images of the brown, fizzy drink. But did you know that the original recipe for cola once relied on an ingredient found in the West African rainforests? This key ingredient is the kola nut.
The kola tree is a species of evergreen trees derived from the Cola genus. It thrives in humid climates, predominantly in Nigeria. The kola tree also grows in Niger, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Benin, Sri Lanka, Brazil and parts of East Africa. There are over 100 species, such as the Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. They produce yellow star-shaped fruit with a white pod inside that contains several circular, purplish nuts. Some of the nuts may even appear white or red. They smell fruity and floral. But the nut itself tastes bitter at first and then it becomes sweeter as the person chews it. The trees grow as tall as 20 meters (65 feet). Their leaves can grow as long as 30 cm.
Today, kola nuts are a flavoring ingredient in sodas and energy drinks. However, it has always been and continues to be so much more than that. The kola nut is a natural source of caffeine. Because of its stimulating properties, it plays a role in digestion, metabolism and blood circulation. Modern research shows it has a number of other powerful properties that can support basic physiological processes in the body. To this day, it also continues to reign as a cultural and medicinal staple throughout the West African region.
Benefits of Kola Nut Extract
Boosts Energy
Traditionally, chewing on kola nuts produce the same effects of drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is one of the main components in the kola nut and every nut contains around 2 percent caffeine. In Europe and the United States, kola nut powder is more readily available than the nuts themselves. A serving of 0.69 mg of kola nut extract equates to a single serving of caffeine.
The nut also contains theobromine, another stimulant. Theobromine and caffeine both have similar structures. However, theobromine is not as stimulating. However, it does have other qualities, especially paired with caffeine.
Improves Circulation
Caffeine and theobromine don’t only stimulate the central nervous system. They both have a strong, positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Theobromine widens blood vessels through a process called vasodilation. Caffeine, on the other hand, constricts blood vessels. This slows down the rate of blood flow as the blood vessels constrict. Caffeine can even reduce cerebral circulation significantly among patients who drink coffee regularly.
So, what does this all suggest and what does it have to do with kola nuts?
Kola nuts pack the power of both theobromine and caffeine. Theobromine may be able to counteract caffeine’s vaso-constricting effects. It may even counteract some of the undesirable side effects that caffeine can cause. Because of these counteractions, kola nuts may be a healthy alternative to other forms of caffeine, especially to patients with cardiovascular conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure. They may even be able to relieve headaches and migraines because of their dilating effects.
Moderate doses of kola nut extract may also increase heart rate. This may be a result of the stimulating effects of theobromine and caffeine working together simultaneously. As the heart rate increases, circulation naturally increases. More oxygen travels to the brain, the skin and other internal organs. It also improves concentration and speeds up wound healing. Kola nuts also contain kolanin, another heart stimulant that increases cerebral circulation.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
The Kola nut extract has significant anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce chronic inflammation, which can lead to cancer, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. Studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory properties of the nuts are due to the presence of active constituents like phenolic compounds and flavonoids.
Boosts Metabolism
Sometimes drinking a cup of coffee can cause a loss of appetite soon after. That’s because caffeine suppresses appetite, but only for short periods of time. Appetite suppression from caffeine may be because of its effects on metabolism. According to a study, 100 mg of caffeine can increase resting metabolic rate by 3 to 4 percent over 150 minutes. This means that caffeine may be able to help burn more fat in a resting state. The larger the caffeine dosage, the greater the effect. Caffeine also stimulates the nervous system and triggers fat cells to release fatty acids.
Because kola nuts contain caffeine, they may also have similar effects on metabolism. Studies state that between 2 and 4 mg/ml of kola nut extract can cause a slight increase in metabolic rate. And like caffeine, the higher the concentration, the higher the metabolic rate.
Helps with Weight Loss
Because of its natural ability to boost energy, kola nut extract has also been studied for its potential in aiding weight loss efforts. It is believed to help speed up metabolism and fat burning, leading to increased weight loss in individuals who consume it regularly.
Fights Oxidative Damage
Kola nuts make for strong stimulants and cardiovascular protectors. But they may also have powerful and effective antioxidative qualities.
To understand antioxidants, it helps to understand oxidation. Oxidation causes atoms to lose electrons. This process is what causes metals to rust or apples to brown when they are exposed to the air for too long. That’s not to paint oxidation in a bad light. The body depends on oxidation to kill off old cells so it can produce new ones. Oxidation also supports the immune system.
But when oxidation produces too many free radicals in the body, it can cause health problems. Oxidative stress can cause inflammatory diseases, heart disease and neurological conditions. Oxidative damage can even lead to some types of cancer.
Antioxidants are molecules that can interfere with oxidation. They suppress free radical production that oxidation causes. Then, they go on to break down existing free radicals and help repair the damage that they cause.
Because kola nuts have antioxidative qualities, they can support the body in several ways. They can strengthen the immune system and help the body better fight off infections. Kola nut can also relieve pain and swelling associated with inflammation.
Improved Mental Clarity
Kola nut extract is known for its ability to promote mental clarity and cognitive flexibility. It contains theobromine and theophylline, two compounds that have a positive effect on mood, concentration, and focus. This can be especially beneficial for those who need to improve their mental performance, such as students or individuals struggling with attention deficit disorder (ADD).
Regulates Blood Sugar Levels
Kola nut extract has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, possibly due to its high antioxidant content. The antioxidants can protect against oxidative stress, which can damage cells and lead to insulin resistance. This makes it a useful supplement for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.
Alleviates Asthma Symptoms
In traditional medicine, kola nut extract has been used as an effective remedy for asthma. The extract is believed to contain theophylline, which is a compound that is commonly used in asthma medications due to its ability to relax the airways. Individuals with asthma may experience relief from symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath after consuming kola nut extract.
Numerous studies show that caffeine is also a natural bronchodilator. It can help expand constricted bronchial tubes in a similar way to theophylline, a common medication to treat asthma.
Enhances Digestion
For generations, people in western Africa have used kola nuts as a digestive aid before meals because it stimulates bile and stomach acid production. Stomach acid helps break down food in the stomach by releasing digestive enzymes. Then, the body’s metabolism works to use up this stored energy, burning calories and fat as a result.
Once the stomach processes food, it moves through the intestines. Bile helps the small intestine break down and absorb nutrients and also helps the body eliminate waste more effectively. If the body does not eliminate toxins, it stores them as fat. So, the faster the body eliminates waste, the less likely they will turn into fat.
When something disrupts this balance, it can cause gastrointestinal problems. Kola nut extract is antibacterial and also antimicrobial and can kill bad bacteria in the stomach. Because of this, kola nut can alleviate diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating.
Mood Enhancement
Adding kola nut extract to your daily routine may also provide a boost to your mood. The caffeine and theobromine present in the extract can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Other Benefits of Kola Nut Extract
Some studies suggest that kola nuts may be able to combat prostate cancer. Research is still ongoing, but medical researchers believe that the phytoestrogen and phytoandrogen compounds in the kola nut may slow down and kill cancer cells in the prostate.

Why Try Kola Nut Extract?
Kola nuts are a cultural symbol throughout western Africa, especially in Nigeria. They symbolize hospitality and respect and they are a common favor at weddings, funerals and other social gatherings. The Igbo people of Nigeria even dedicate entire ceremonies to kola nuts.
There are several potential health benefits to kola nuts, including promoting digestion, fighting oxidative damage and inflammation and boosting metabolism. It has a long history as a dietary ingredient to promote health. Because they are a food source, typically people chew on them. But because of their bitter taste, it may be preferable to consume them as a supplement. Today, manufacturers can turn kola nuts into powder, making it easy to mix them with sweeter foods or tasty beverages.
Side Effects of Kola Nut Extract
Kola nut is not safe for people who are sensitive to caffeine and stimulants. Side effects associated with stimulants include anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. They also include upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea and headaches.
Patients with heart conditions or blood disorders should talk to a doctor before taking kola nut extract. Caffeine can cause irregular heartbeats and blood clotting in some individuals. Patients with the following conditions should also speak to a doctor before taking the supplement:
Patients who are pregnant or who have had a recent surgery should also consult a doctor before taking kola nut extract. It may be safe in moderate food amounts, but it can be a risk in high dosage, potentially increasing the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight. Do not use this extract with other stimulant drugs that increase heart rate. The caffeine in kola nut may produce the same effect, but increased heart rate may cause damage.
It’s extremely dangerous to interact kola nut with amphetamines, cocaine or ephedrine. These combinations can lead to spikes in heart rate and blood pressure and may even be fatal. Alcohol, certain prescription medications and antibiotics can also cause adverse side effects with kola nut. Consider any regular or prescribed medications before using kola nut.
Interactions with Medications
If you are currently taking any medications, it’s important to check with your doctor before taking Kola nut extract. The caffeine in Kola nut extract can interact with certain medications, including those for blood pressure, asthma, and depression. Always check with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements to avoid potentially harmful interactions.
Where to Buy Kola Nut Extract
Looking for a place to buy Kola Nut? Look no further! BulkSupplements.com is your one-stop shop for kola nut and other pure dietary supplements. Not only are we a reputable manufacturer and distributor, but we also supply high-quality ingredients to various food and supplement brands. Rest assured, all their products undergo rigorous manufacturing and testing procedures. Reach out to BulkSupplements.com now to place an order.
Dosage for Kola Nut Extract
Kola nut dosing widely varies and depends heavily on the user’s age and overall health. It is important to always consult with a physician or healthcare professional before taking any supplements, whether they are natural or not. The recommended dosage for kola nut extract powder is 550 mg once or twice per day. It may help to mix the powder with food or smoothies.
Bottom Line
Kola nut extract is derived from a fruit that grows on the kola tree in the western and eastern regions of Africa. Traditionally, the kola nut provides a handful of health benefits. They may help with weight loss and enhance physiological processes like digestion, metabolism and blood circulation. They have a high caffeine content, so they increase energy. Kola nut extract is a natural remedy that has its benefits and side effects. In small, healthy and monitored doses, kola nut extract is likely safe and it can be a healthy way to get all of its benefits on a consistent basis. If there was one ingredient to call a powerhouse, it would have to be the kola nut.
However, it is essential to understand the potential risks before consuming Kola nut extract, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions. For people who receive a go-ahead from their doctor to consume Kola nut extract, it is essential to take it in moderation and follow the recommended dosage. Remember, natural remedies may be beneficial, but always proceed with caution to avoid potential health hazards.