Updated: 11/1/23
Are you looking to feel better, be healthier and have more energy? Why not try our amazing natural supplement – diatomaceous earth! Not only is it packed with essential minerals such as silicon, calcium, and sodium that can help support your overall health in a variety of ways – it has no known toxic side effects. Our diatomaceous earth supplement offers natural nourishment for your body in the form of high-quality nutrient dense ingredients. It also helps reduce inflammation and supports digestion by acting as a gentle detoxifier. With its impressive list of benefits on offer, this 10-million year old sedimentary rock powder may just be the answer to improving your health without any unpleasant consequences. Start feeling better inside and out today with our diatomaceous earth supplement!
What Is Diatomaceous Earth (DE)?
Have you heard of diatomaceous earth (DE)? This unique substance has become increasingly popular for health enthusiasts in recent years due to its numerous health benefits. It is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock that consists of the fossilized remains of diatoms, which are tiny marine organisms. Although the name may sound intimidating, DE is entirely safe to use, in fact, it’s surprisingly versatile.
Diatomaceous earth (DE) comes from sand naturally extracted from the Earth. It’s mainly comprised of fossilized remains from small organisms, such as algae. Over millions of years, the algae fossilize and form abrasive crystals with a sand-like texture. Diatomaceous earth is made up of small particles called diatoms. The diatoms contain mainly silica, a trace element that plays an important role in forming connective tissue throughout the body.
Diatomaceous earth has a wide range of uses. For example, manufacturers often sell it in bulk as an insecticide because it has abrasive particles that may be effective for killing insects. It may also help patients manage diabetes and reduce the risk for heart problems. Research states that the silica it contains may also increase collagen production for healthy skin and hair.
In addition to silica, DE contains a number of key minerals that the body requires for healthy functioning. It has high levels of magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium and manganese. These minerals play a crucial role in maintaining overall health.
Types of Diatomaceous Earth
Because it has a wide range of uses, there are a number of different sources of diatomaceous earth. The two main types are food-grade and filter grade. Food-grade diatomaceous earth contains a lower amount of silica crystals (usually around 2 percent), making it safe to use around plants and animals. However, filter grade diatomaceous earth contains a lot more silica (often around 60 percent), meaning it is much more abrasive.
If people consume it, filter grade DE is toxic because it enters the bloodstream and wears down tissue in the digestive tract. People should only use it for industrial purposes, not for gardening since it can kill plants and it is dangerous for pets. In addition, it can cause severe lung and skin and lung irritations if patients inhale it or use it as a topical treatment.
Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth has a wide range of benefits, from skin and heart health to pest control. Here are some of the most common uses of the substance:
Boosts Immune System
When you’re feeling run down and vulnerable to illness, diatomaceous earth can be a great ally. It’s loaded with healthy minerals like calcium, magnesium, and silica that can strengthen your immune system and fend off pathogens. By taking diatomaceous earth on a regular basis, you can give your body the resources it needs to stay healthy and strong.
Detoxifying Agent
Diatomaceous earth is globally known for its detoxifying properties. It’s porous structure and negative charge perfectly absorbs toxins from the body such as heavy metals, bacteria, and viruses. As a result, it helps prevent inflammation in the body while assisting in digestion. It can also support your liver and kidneys work better by removing toxic substances and keeping them healthy.
Perfect Skin Exfoliator
Diatomaceous earth is a fantastic exfoliator for your skin. It provides physical exfoliation that helps relieve acne, rashes, eczema, and even dark circles under your eyes. Moreover, its silica content helps support collagen production in the skin, which is essential in maintaining a healthy, glowing complexion. Include the substance in your skin regimen, and you will see the remarkable difference in your skin.
Enhances Hair Health
Are you tired of hair breakage and split ends? Try diatomaceous earth! DE is rich in biotin, a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails. It promotes hair strength and growth, reduces hair fall, and strengthens hair follicles, leading to shiny and lustrous hair.
Great Digestive Aid
Did you know that diatomaceous earth is a fantastic digestive aid? The substance absorbs excess water in the gut, effectively increasing bowel regularity. It can also kill harmful bacteria and parasites that cause digestive issues in the first place while balancing out the healthy gut bacteria you need to stay healthy.
Builds Strong Bones and Joints
As we age gracefully, our bones and joints become weaker, making it essential to supplement with foods that can help. Diatomaceous earth is an excellent source of silica, a vital mineral required for strong bones and joints. Silica improves bone density and slows down the aging process. By drinking a silica-enriched DE supplement, you can improve your joint mobility, prevent osteoporosis, and keep your bones healthy.
According to studies, food-grade diatomaceous earth may work as an effective natural insecticide. The silica in it is abrasive, so it can wear down insects’ exoskeletons. Without an exoskeleton, insects dry out very quickly. It may also be effective to scatter around gardens because it will not harm plants. It’s also organic and non-toxic, so most likely it poses no danger to pets. However, filter grade diatomaceous earth is not safe for home gardens because it is toxic and can possibly harm plants and pets.
Heart Health
There are also some claims that silica may be able to improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, research also states that silica may be able to reduce the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis, a condition where plaque builds up in the arteries. Patients with these conditions are more likely to suffer from strokes and heart attacks (x). However, patients shouldn’t use diatomaceous earth as their primary treatment for high cholesterol. Speak to a doctor before using the supplement.
Collagen Production
The high silica levels in diatomaceous earth may help the body absorb minerals and increase collagen production, which is important for healthy skin and hair. It may strengthen the skin around hair follicles, possibly helping it grow faster and thicker. By increasing collagen, it may also help the hair retain more protein, leading to faster growth. Although diatomaceous earth may have benefits for collagen production, there are few studies to validate these claims.
Wound Healing
Because silica plays an important role in skin health, taking it may also be an effective way of healing severe wounds faster. Regular use may be able to expedite skin growth, leading to faster wound recovery. The silica in the supplement binds to connective tissue, which may assist in closing wound. However, diatomaceous earth is abrasive, so it can cause irritation and wounds as a topical treatment for milder skin conditions like acne. Consult a doctor before taking it to determine safety.
In addition, some evidence claims that DE may be able to control blood sugar levels and help patients manage diabetes. Patients with diabetes may also have magnesium deficiencies and diatomaceous earth contains magnesium and manganese, trace minerals with some similar qualities.
Although it may help manage the condition, it is not a primary treatment for diabetes. Researchers need more evidence to understand this possible correlation. Speak to a doctor before using the supplement because it may interact with other medications.
Enhances Athletic Performance
Finally, if you’re an athlete or simply active, it can be a great supplement to help you reach new heights. It can improve your stamina and endurance, thanks to its ability to help oxygenate the blood and support healthy cell function. Plus, it can also help reduce inflammation and soreness after a hard workout, keeping you feeling great day after day.

Side Effects of Diatomaceous Earth
There is not enough reliable information to determine if diatomaceous earth is completely safe. Researchers have not concluded any definite side effects. However, inhaling it may cause severe respiratory complications, especially if the patient already has respiratory problems. For example, it may worsen conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The supplement is also very abrasive, so it may cause irritation and wounds on the skin as a topical.
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
There is little research to validate its safety profile for pregnant patients. Avoid this product during pregnancy or breastfeeding to be safe.
The Bottom Line
Diatomaceous earth is a sand-like substance made from fossilized algae. It has a wide range of uses, from insecticides and garden care to potentially managing diabetes and high cholesterol.
It contains high levels of silica, which is important in forming connective tissue throughout the body. Silica stimulates collagen production, which can help wounds heal faster and it may also help promote hair growth.
There is not enough evidence to determine if the supplement is completely safe and it may cause side effects. Inhaling it can be very dangerous to the lungs. It can cause severe scarring and breathing issues, especially if the patient already has respiratory problems. Always consult a doctor before using it as a dietary supplement.
In conclusion, diatomaceous earth is more than just a sedimentary rock. It’s a powerful and versatile natural supplement that offers numerous health benefits. From promoting gut health to controlling pests and boosting hair health, DE is an excellent addition to your health and wellness routine. Always ensure to use food-grade diatomaceous earth, as other grades may contain harmful additives. So, try diatomaceous earth today and tap into its numerous benefits. You’ll be surprised at how it will transform your life.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease