Updated: 10/11/23
Do you have a white coating on your tongue and don’t know why? You’re not alone; many people struggle with this condition. White tongue can often be accompanied by bad breath, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and even irritation or pain that makes speaking and eating uncomfortable. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into what causes it, remedies to help treat it naturally at home, as well as when to seek medical advice. So if you want to learn all about what’s causing your whitish-coated tongue and how to restore optimal health for your oral cavity – keep on reading!
What is White Tongue?
White tongue is essentially the buildup of bacteria and remnants of food on the tongue. The leading causes of the condition are dehydration and illness. White tongue or white spots and patches on the tongue may also be caused by infection, inflammation of the surface of the tongue and irritation of the tongue by a foreign object.
Some oral infections, including Candida yeast infection, may cause whitening of the tongue. Although yeast infection or oral thrush may be caused by various factors, it is more common in people whose immunity has been compromised, such as patients with cancer and HIV. It may also be caused by general dryness, which can occur through periods of not speaking or eating.
White Tongue Symptoms
White tongue is itself a symptom of other conditions and presents differently with each condition.
Leukoplakia Symptoms
White tongue is often characterized by the development of white patches in the mouth or on the tongue. The patches are usually painless and raised, but cannot experience removal scraping. The white patches may develop on the surface of the tongue, inside the cheeks, the bottom of the mouth, gums and lower lips.
Oral Lichen Planus Symptoms
This condition causes the development of white patches on the tongue, insides of cheeks and/or gums. Mild cases of the condition are usually painless. However, severe cases may cause pain and redness of the gums, burning sensation on the surface of the tongue, and soreness inside the cheeks, especially when eating or drinking.
Geographic Tongue Symptoms
This condition causes whitening of the top, bottom and sides of the tongue. It is usually characterized by wavy white lines that surround red areas. The name geographic tongue stems from the fact that the condition causes the tongue to look like the outline of a map. The wavy white lines on the tongue usually shift positions and shapes with time.
Oral Thrush Symptoms
Oral thrush is characterized by the development of white patches on the surface of the mouth. The patches can quickly become painful, red or bloody if wiped away. This condition also causes a burning sensation on the tongue’s surface, loss of taste, redness of the insides of the mouth and throat and cracking on the corners of the mouth.
Left untreated, the symptoms of oral thrush usually worsen. In severe cases, the infection could spread to other parts of the body.
Syphilis Symptoms
This disease causes the tongue to develop a small, painless sore about ten days to three months after infection through oral sex. Left untreated, syphilis could cause the tongue to become white, a condition known as syphilitic leukoplakia. Common symptoms associated with this condition include headaches, fever, joint pain and inflamed glands.
Does White Tongue Mean Dehydration?
Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than it takes in, causing imbalances in electrolytes and mineral levels. Some symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, dark urine, headache, dizziness, and fatigue. However, a white tongue is not a primary sign of dehydration. In some cases, dehydration can cause a white, dry coating on the tongue due to reduced salivary flow. But, generally speaking, a white tongue is not a reliable indicator of dehydration on its own.
Why Does Tongue Turn White?
A white tongue can indicate a variety of issues, ranging from minor to serious. It’s crucial to practice good oral hygiene, stay hydrated, and be mindful of any symptoms that may require medical attention. If you’re experiencing a persistent white coating on your tongue, then consider seeing your doctor or dentist immediately. Remember to stay on top of your dental hygiene routine, and if in doubt, seek help from a healthcare professional.
Causes of White Tongue
This condition causes the excessive growth of cells in the mouth, which leads to the development of white patches on the tongue and insides of the mouth. Although leukoplakia is generally harmless, it can sometimes be an indicator of cancer. Therefore, consider seeing a doctor if you are concerned. The leading cause of this condition is irritation of the tongue by use of products such as tobacco.
Oral Thrush
Oral thrush is caused by the development of an infection in the mouth. Also known as candidiasis, oral thrush causes the development of white patches on the surface of the tongue. The patches usually have a cheese-like consistency and are more common in children and older people who use dentures.
Some conditions including cancer and HIV weaken the body’s defense system, making the affected person susceptible to contracting oral thrush. It can also affect people with diabetes, asthma or lung diseases. In many cases oral thrush develops after the use of antibiotic that kill the good bacteria in the mouth. Eating live culture yogurt and taking medication may help restore the culture in the mouth.
Oral Lichen Planus
One of the most distinct signs of this condition is lace-like lines on the surface of the tongue. Although the condition’s exact cause is unknown, it usually clears on its own. In addition, practicing good oral hygiene and avoiding irritants like tobacco can make this condition disappear faster.
Poor Oral Hygiene
One of the most common reasons for a white tongue is poor oral hygiene. Our mouth contains millions of bacteria that can accumulate on our tongue if not cleaned properly. If you don’t brush or floss your teeth daily, bacteria can form a coating on your tongue, giving it a white hue. This can be easily prevented by adopting a daily oral hygiene routine, which involves brushing your tongue with a tongue cleaner and flossing regularly.
Digestive Issues
White tongue can also be a side-effect of digestive problems like acid reflux or gastrointestinal distress. Acid reflux can cause stomach acid to flow back into the mouth, resulting in an overgrowth of bacteria. Other digestive issues like constipation or bowel disease can also lead to white tongue as they create a buildup of bacteria and toxins in the gut.
Smoking or Tobacco Use
Smoking cigarettes or using other forms of tobacco products can cause white tongue. Tobacco contains chemicals that can discourage the growth of saliva and promote bacterial growth. It also irritates the tongue and causes damage to the taste buds, leading to a white tongue.
Lastly, certain medications can cause white tongue as a side-effect. Antibiotics, for example, can alter the natural balance of bacteria in the mouth, leading to overgrowth. Chemotherapy drugs can also cause white tongue as they directly affect the oral environment and reduce saliva production.
Dehydration is the most common cause of it. It causes the mouth to dry up, which causes bacteria to multiply quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to brush the teeth and tongue at least two times per day to lower the risk of white tongue. In addition to good oral hygiene, it is important to ensure that you drink enough water in the day.
White Tongue and Bad Breath
It is a common oral condition that occurs when the papillae on the tongue’s surface become overgrown and trap food debris, bacteria, and dead cells. This buildup causes a white or yellowish coating on the tongue’s surface, leading to bad breath, dry mouth, and a bitter taste. The most common causes of white tongue include poor oral hygiene, smoking, medications, mouth breathing, dehydration, and yeast infections.
Bad breath, on the other hand, is often by the same factors as white tongue, including poor oral hygiene, gum disease, sinus problems, dry mouth, and smoking. There are also some medical conditions that could contribute to chronic bad breath, such as diabetes, liver and kidney problems, and acid reflux.
White Tongue with Spots
Several factors can lead to white tongue with spots, including poor oral hygiene, dehydration, and smoking. Sometimes, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. For example, oral thrush, a type of yeast infection, can cause white patches on the tongue and inside the mouth. Besides, leukoplakia, a condition in which cells in the mouth grow excessively, can also lead to white patches on the tongue or cheeks. In some rare cases, it can be a sign of oral cancer.

White Tongue Diagnosis
A visual exam is the most common way to diagnose white tongue. However, doctors may also take tissue samples from the white patches for further analysis in a lab. In some cases, doctors may also take blood tests to check for underlying conditions such as diabetes, syphilis or malnutrition.
When to See a Doctor
White tongue usually heals on its own and should not be a cause for alarm if there are no accompanying symptoms. However, consider seeing a doctor if it does not disappear in about two weeks. In addition, see a doctor if you experience:
- Pain on the tongue
- Burning sensation on the tongue
- Difficulty chewing, swallowing or talking
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Skin rashes
White Tongue vs Thrush
Symptoms of white tongue may include a white coating on the tongue, bad breath, and a burning sensation. On the other hand, symptoms of thrush may include white or yellow patches on the tongue, cheeks, gums, and roof of the mouth, pain in the mouth, and difficulty swallowing.
In most cases, white tongue does not require treatment, but practicing good oral hygiene such as regular brushing, flossing, and using a tongue scraper can help clear up the white coating. If your symptoms persist, it may indicate an underlying condition that requires treatment. In the case of thrush, antifungal medications are required to kill the overgrowth of Candida. There are various antifungal medications available in the form of tablets, lozenges, creams, and mouth rinses that can effectively treat thrush.
White Tongue Treatment
Oral Hygiene
Oral hygiene is an efficient prevention and treatment measure for white tongue. Therefore, it is advisable to brush your teeth at least twice per day. If possible, brush your teeth after each meal. Also, consider tongue scraping to rid your tongue of debris, bacteria and dead cells
Tongue scraping does not only help to get rid of it, but it also improves the smell of your breath. Use a gentle brush to scrape your tongue in back and forward motions. Consider buying brushes designed specifically for tongue scraping.
Use a fluoride mouthwash at least once per day. Also, floss daily, preferably after each meal. Consider seeing a dentist at least twice per year for cleaning and checkup. It is a common condition among people who smoke and drink. Therefore, avoid using tobacco or alcohol because tobacco is an irritant and alcohol causes dehydration, both of which cause white tongue.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration is a common cause of a white tongue. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. You can also include foods with high water content in your diet, such as watermelon, cucumber, and oranges.
Use Probiotics
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in your body. They are useful in treating fungal infections of the mouth that can cause a white tongue. You can take probiotic supplements or eat foods that are rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, pickles, etc.
Apply Topical Medications
In some cases, a white tongue may be caused by a fungal infection that requires topical treatment. Antifungal medications, such as clotrimazole and nystatin, can be applied directly to the affected area to eliminate the infection. Consult your doctor before using any medication.
White Tongue Supplements
It may not require treatment because it often clears on its own depending on the root cause. In some cases, a soft toothbrush can be used to brush off the white area gently but this should be done with caution because removal of the white area in cases of oral thrush removal can cause pain. In addition, drinking lots of water and other fluids can help flush away the bacteria and debris causing white tongue. Treatment may receive a recommendation in some cases. The type of treatment will depend on the cause of the condition.
Leukoplakia does not require treatment. However, you may need to see a dentist regularly to prevent the condition from worsening. Good oral hygiene, as well as ceasing smoking, can help clear up the white patches.
Oral lichen planus also does not require treatment. However, doctors may prescribe steroid sprays and mouth rinse in severe cases. On the other hand, oral thrush is treatable with the administration of antifungal medication. The medication may be in gel, pill, lozenge or liquid form.
Syphilis is a complicated condition and needs medical supervision, though it can be treated with penicillin. However, multiple doses of penicillin may be required to treat patients who have had the disease for a prolonged period.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera can help treat bacterial and fungal infections and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Since ancient times, various communities have used aloe vera to treat infections, burns, skin irritations and wounds. It can also be used to treat white tongue. When ingested, this supplement supports digestion and eases indigestion.
Like any other supplement, aloe vera has side effects, including abdominal discomfort.
Avoid taking this supplement if you have Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and kidney problems. In addition, consult a doctor before using this supplement if you have diabetes or have an upcoming surgery in less than two weeks. Nursing and pregnant women should not take this supplement orally. To use, swoosh the aloe vera solution in your mouth for about five minutes and then spit it out.
Coconut Oil
This is rehydrating and rich in antioxidants and ideal for treating white tongue and other health conditions. Coconut oil is rich in electrolytes, potassium and antioxidants. It promotes gut and cardiac health. To use, rinse a solution of coconut oil in your mouth for about ten minutes before spitting the oil out. This supplement is highly soluble and can mix with water or smoothies before consuming it. Coconut oil also cleans the debris in the mouth that may be causing it. In addition, coconut oil is effective in eliminating bacteria that cause bad breath.
Although coconut oil is considered generally safe for use for adults, avoid taking the supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, consult a doctor before taking the supplement if you have diabetes or heart conditions. Do not use the supplement two weeks before a scheduled surgical procedure.
Garlic is an effective home remedy for white tongue due to its antifungal properties. Its effectiveness in treating fungal infections can be attributed to allicin, one of its active compounds. In addition, garlic is rich in vitamins, copper, iron, zinc and antioxidants.
Garlic supplements can strengthen the immune system to fight viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The serving size recommended by nutritionists is 650 milligrams per day.
Probiotics are live microorganisms that can benefit your gut and oral health. These “good bacteria” can boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and prevent harmful bacteria overgrowth in your mouth. Probiotics that support oral health include Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus reuteri, and Bifidobacterium lactis. You can find probiotics in supplements or fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is essential for the development of red blood cells, nerve function, and overall health. It can also prevent or treat anemia, fatigue, and oral health problems like glossitis, angular cheilitis, and white tongue. Vitamin B12 is abundant in animal-based foods like meats, fish, dairy products, and eggs. If you are on a plant-based diet, you can find vitamin B12 in fortified cereals, nutritional yeast, and supplements.
Zinc is a mineral that plays several roles in your body, including immune system support, cell growth, and wound healing. It also promotes healthy gums, teeth, and tongue by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi and reducing inflammation. Zinc is present in oysters, beef, pork, chicken, beans, nuts, and seeds. Zinc supplements should not exceed the recommended daily dose, as excessive zinc intake can lead to adverse effects.
Turmeric is a spice that has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, can help reduce plaque and gingivitis, prevent oral cancer, and heal oral wounds and ulcers. Turmeric can be consumed fresh or dried, or taken as a supplement. However, turmeric supplements should be taken with caution, as they can interact with other medications and cause gastrointestinal side effects.
Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract is a natural source of catechins, flavonoids, and polyphenols, which have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. It also helps reduce bad breath, prevent tooth decay, and enhance oral immune defense. Green tea extract can be consumed as a beverage or taken as a supplement. However, green tea extract supplements should be taken with caution, as excessive intake can cause liver toxicity.
The Bottom Line
Your oral health is a crucial part of your overall health and well-being. White Tongue Supplements can help you maintain or improve your tongue’s health and function by providing essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal boosters that support your oral microbiome, pH balance, and natural defense system. Probiotics, vitamin B12, zinc, turmeric, and green tea extract are some of the most potent and safe white tongue supplements you can take. However, as with any dietary supplement, you should consult your healthcare provider before starting a new regimen. By incorporating white tongue supplements into your daily routine, you can enhance your oral health, prevent oral diseases, and enjoy a healthier smile.