Category: Supplements

Theobromine Supplement: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

What is Theobromine? Theobromine is an organic compound that comes from the cacao plant. Formerly known as…

White Willow Bark Extract. Naturally Boost Your Immune System.

Updated: 12/18/23 Are you looking for a natural solution to boost your body’s immune system? White willow…

Wild Jujube

Wild Jujube Extract: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

What is Wild Jujube Extract? Many people are familiar with jujubes — the chewy, rainbow-colored candy that…

White Mushroom Button

White Button Mushroom Extract: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

What is White Button Mushroom Extract? If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you’re…

Silk Amino Acids

What You Need to Know Before Buying Silk Amino Acids

What are Silk Amino Acids? Silk amino acids are a type of protein and their main function…

Fadogia Agrestis benefits

Fadogia Agrestis. Rev Up! African Secret to a Faster Metabolism

Updated: 12/8/23 Are you looking for a natural way to ramp up your metabolism and optimize your…

Wild Yam

Wild Yam Extract: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

What is Wild Yam Extract? While you study the benefits and dosages of the wild yam root,…


Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P): Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

Natural chemical reactions in your body occur all the time and are beneficial to your health and…


Phytosterol (Beta Sitosterol): Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

What Is Phytosterol? Phytosterols are a group of plant-based compounds, and beta-sitosterol is one variety of phytosterols…

Paleo Beef Protein

Paleo Beef Protein: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

What is Paleo Beef Protein? The paleo diet consists mainly of fish, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables…