Updated: 9/26/23
Do you find yourself excessively sweating, even without physical exertion or in a cool temperature? If so, you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis. This condition can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem for those who have to deal with it on a daily basis. Thankfully, there are treatments available that can help manage the excessive sweat and give you back your confidence. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the options out there for you to stop sweating so profusely and get relief from hyperhidrosis once and for all!
What is Hyperhidrosis?
As a responsible adult, you’re constantly multitasking and managing a million tasks, right? That’s why sweating is like the blinking of our eyes as far as its natural and uncontrollable nature. Although sweating is inevitable, especially when performing heavy errands and rigorous exercises, do you ever feel like you sweat too much? Do you feel like your shirt is constantly dripping from too much perspiration? Unfortunately, it happens to many, and it is called hyperhidrosis.
Hyperhidrosis is the unusual production of sweat. Studies estimate 2-3 percent of America’s total population suffers from this condition. Excessive sweating at night is perfectly normal, especially when the night is warm. What’s not, however, is when your sweat is dripping from doing nothing. Aside from stifling a person’s daily activities, this condition can also lower someone’s self-confidence and cause embarrassment and social anxiety. Too much sweating can stain light-colored clothes, can keep a person from turning the doorknob or even using one’s phone when hands are wet. In some cases, it can develop skin infections. Although sweating is the body’s way of cooling down, people with hyperhidrosis perspire even when their body temperatures do not warrant cooling.
Can Hyperhidrosis Go Away?
Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to whether hyperhidrosis can go away. For some people, the condition is permanent, and for others, it may only be temporary or go away with age. There are also steps you can take that can help reduce the amount of sweat you produce. For example, you can avoid triggers like spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, and wear loose-fitting clothing that allows your skin to breathe.
Types of Hyperhidrosis
There are several types of hyperhidrosis, depending on which body part excretes sweat too much. These are:
- Palmar hyperhidrosis – hyperhidrosis of hands
- Plantar hyperhidrosis – hyperhidrosis of feet
- Axillary hyperhidrosis – hyperhidrosis of the armpits
- Craniofacial hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating from the head to the face
Most of the time, hyperhidrosis treatments are effective in treating the condition. An example of a treatment used by people who suffer from this is an antiperspirant. If antiperspirants don’t help, you may try different options like therapies and medications. In more severe instances, the doctor may suggest that the patient undergoes surgery. This may be done to either get rid of the sweat glands in the area which perspires too much or sever the nerves that cause excessive sweating. During surgery, specialists may find other underlying conditions that cause hyperhidrosis as well.
Excessive Sweating Symptoms
Most of the time, people excrete a lot of sweat when exercising. There are also cases when there’s excessive sweating while sleeping, especially when the night is hot or a person has a bad dream. However, with hyperhidrosis, it exceeds the normal sweating to the point that it’s already dripping from one’s body.
Hyperhidrosis can occur on different parts of the body like the hands, underarms, feet and face; it normally strikes once every week and occurs every time a person wakes up. Also, the abnormal sweating not only affects one body part, but often both sides (the hands or feet, for example).
Here are some of the most common symptoms of hyperhidrosis:
- Sweating unrelated to heat or exercise
- Wet palms despite not washing the hands
- Sweating through clothing
- Sweat dripping off the body
In addition to that, people who have hyperhidrosis may experience:
- Worrying about staining the clothes they wear
- Developing infections brought by bacteria and fungi
- Painful and irritating skin issues
- Being self-conscious
- Social anxiety, which may lead to depression
- Worry about body odor and people noticing it
Although symptoms differ from one person to another, the ones above are the most common. If a person experiences more severe symptoms, it’s imperative to get checked by a medical specialist
Excessive Sweating Causes
As mentioned above, sweating is the body’s way of cooling itself. When the body’s temperature rises, the nervous system sends a signal to the sweat glands, which trigger sweating. Aside from that, it also normally happens to your hands when you’re nervous.
There are different forms of this condition, and the most common is the primary focal hyperhidrosis. In this form, the nerves triggering sweat production from the sweat glands are abnormally active. This makes you sweat even if your body temperature remains normal. Nervousness and stress make it worse. This is the form that affects the soles of your feet, the palms of your hands and, in some cases, your face.
According to a study, 32 out of 49 or 65 percent of the total number of respondents reported a positive history of hyperhidrosis in the family. Therefore, this condition is likely hereditary.
On the other hand, secondary hyperhidrosis happens when abnormal sweating by an underlying condition. This form is less common than the primary focal hyperhidrosis. Unlike the first one, secondary hyperhidrosis causes sweat not only to some parts of the body, but the whole body itself. Underlying conditions include but do not see a limit to:
Certain Foods and Drinks
Some foods and drink can lead to sweating for various reasons. Spicy foods, for example, contain compounds that can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and trigger sweating. Additionally, caffeine-containing beverages like tea or coffee can cause sweating too. Even alcohol can be a culprit in causing excessive sweating because it dilates the blood vessels and increases body temperature. It’s essential to keep note of your diet and watch what you eat and drink.
People with diabetes sweat more than they realize. As a matter of fact, a study conducted in 1989 proved that those who have diabetic neuropathy are prone to have abnormal results on a thermoregulatory sweat test (TST).
Hot flashes are a fast and excessive heat dispersion response of the body, which includes excessive sweating and feelings of extreme heat inside the body. These reactions create a small increase in the body’s core temperature. According to research, hot flashes and night sweats can occur in 75-85% of women in the perimenopausal period.
Thyroid Issues
There could be a connection between hyperhidrosis and the thyroid gland disease, as proven by a 2010 finding when a female patient with hyperhidrotic parts in her body also exhibited thyroid gland disease as well.
Leukemia and lymphoma are some of the most common types of cancer that are linked to night sweating. However, adrenal and carcinoid tumors are also associated with excessive sweating. Sweating at night can also be a side effect of cancer treatments.
Nervous System Disorders
There’s a link between some nervous system disorders and hyperhidrosis. Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis often see an increase in activity in the nervous system, and there’s also a huge percent that links the said conditions to central nervous system tumors.
There are still other conditions that trigger excessive sweating, although those that have mentioning above are some of the most typical. If you’re not sure whether you have it or not, visit your doctor if you observe some signs of hyperhidrosis.
How Do You Get Hyperhidrosis?
Primary hyperhidrosis is often caused by genetics and while the sweating can be unpleasant, it is not linked to any other health concerns. However, secondary hyperhidrosis can be more severe and is often a sign of an underlying medical condition. For instance, medications, thyroid problems, diabetes, menopause, and infections can cause excessive sweating. Therefore, consulting a medical professional is essential before attempting any treatment.
How Long Does Hyperhidrosis Last?
Primary hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating that has no identifiable cause. It usually affects the underarms, palms, and soles of the feet. In most cases, primary hyperhidrosis is a lifelong condition that can worsen or improve over time. It can also have periods of remission, where sweating episodes are less intense and frequent. However, some people may experience a sudden onset of primary hyperhidrosis that lasts for a few months or years, and then spontaneously resolves without treatment.
Secondary hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating that is triggered by an underlying medical condition or medication. The duration of secondary hyperhidrosis varies depending on the cause and treatment of the underlying condition. For example, hyperhidrosis caused by hyperthyroidism may improve after treatment of the thyroid problem. Similarly, excessive sweating by certain medications such as antidepressants subsides once the medication discontinues.
Several factors can influence the duration of hyperhidrosis, including age, gender, lifestyle, and stress level. Studies have shown that younger people are more likely to develop hyperhidrosis that lasts longer than older people. Women are also more susceptible to hyperhidrosis, particularly during pregnancy and menopause. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and alcohol intake can also impact the severity and duration of hyperhidrosis. Finally, stress and anxiety levels can exacerbate hyperhidrosis symptoms, making the condition more chronic and enduring.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment
If there’s an underlying medical condition that seems to be causing the problem, it should be the one treated first. However, if there’s no clear cause as to why you are experiencing the condition, hyperhidrosis treatment may focus more on controlling or lessening the excessive sweating. In some cases, you may need to have two or more types of treatments combined. It’s important to know that even if the sweating has been decreased after treatment, there’s a huge chance that excessive perspiration may occur again.
Antiperspirants are the most commonly used treatments for hyperhidrosis and can be purchased over-the-counter at any pharmacy. They work by blocking sweat glands, thereby reducing the amount of sweat produced. Antiperspirants applies to the affecting areas in the morning and their effect lasts for several hours. People usually start with over-the-counter antiperspirants, but if they don’t work well for them, prescription antiperspirants with higher concentrations of active ingredients can be prescribed by their healthcare provider.
Anticholinergics are prescription drugs that can help reduce sweating. They work by blocking the chemical messenger that stimulates the sweat glands. However, anticholinergics are not recommended for everyone, as they have side effects like dry mouth, blurry vision, constipation, and difficulty urinating. Beta-blockers are another medication that works by reducing anxiety, which can trigger sweating. But, they are not directly indicating for hyperhidrosis and carry a few side effects.
Botox is a popular treatment option for hyperhidrosis that works by blocking the nerve signals that stimulate sweat production. It injects into the affected areas, and the effect of the treatment lasts for 3 to 6 months before you need another injection. Botox injections injects in different areas like the underarms, palms, and face, with minor side effects like bruising, swelling, or pain.
Iontophoresis is a treatment that is performed using a medical device that passes a mild electrical current through the skin’s surface. This treatment is for the hands and feet and consists of placing the affecting areas in a tray of water, where a low electrical current applies. The treatment blocks the sweat ducts in the feet and hands, hence reducing sweating. The process generally takes 15-20 minutes, and the effect of the treatment lasts for several days. Iontophoresis can be done at home with a specialized device or performed at a clinic.
For extreme cases or when all other treatments have failed, surgery is an option. Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) is one of the most common treatments used for hyperhidrosis surgery. During this surgery, the surgeon will make small incisions in the chest and will cut the nerves that trigger sweat glands. This is a permanent procedure that can permanently eliminate or reduce the excessive sweating. However, there are many serious side effects like sweating in other parts of the body, injuries to the nerves, and compensatory sweating.
How Much Hyperhidrosis Surgery Cost?
Hyperhidrosis surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, which means that it doesn’t require substantial cuts and incisions. The cost varies depending on the surgeon’s experience, insurance coverage, facility fees, and location. On average, you can expect to pay between $10,000 to $15,000 for the procedure. In most cases, health insurance doesn’t cover hyperhidrosis surgery as it’s considered a cosmetic procedure. However, if your condition is severe and interferes with your quality of life, insurance might cover a portion of the surgery costs.
If you worry about financing hyperhidrosis surgery, there are financing options available. Speak to your surgeon or healthcare provider to learn about different payment options and payment plans. Depending on the facility, some banks and third-party lenders offer installment plans to assist patients in covering the cost of surgery. Additionally, as previously mentioned, if your excessive sweating interferes with your daily life, insurance may cover a portion of the procedure. Consult with your insurance carrier to understand your benefits and coverage plans better.
Supplements for Hyperhidrosis
Below are some of the supplements you can take that may help to lessen the excess sweat:
Sage Extract
Traditionally, sage tea is known to be able to treat circulation and digestive disturbances, cough, asthma, bronchitis, depression and also excessive sweating. Studies suggest that it can reduce perspiration by preventing the overstimulation of sweat glands. After all, sage has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, if you’re thinking of taking it in powder form, experts suggest that you take 3,200 milligrams of sage extract powder once every day, or as suggested by your doctor.
Chamomile is another herbal remedy that can help alleviate the effects of hyperhidrosis. It has anti-inflammatory, calming, and cooling properties that suit those with hyperhidrosis. Chamomile supplements can be found in capsules, tinctures, and teas. Making chamomile tea is a popular option for many individuals who enjoy its calming effects. Steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in hot water for 10-15 minutes, then consume.
Organic Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is a type of grass that’s normally utilized as herbal medicine because of its nutritional and therapeutic properties. Organic wheatgrass is rich in iron, which is important for people who experience excessive sweating.
Grape Seed Extract
Did you know that profuse sweating can be a sign that your body needs more antioxidants? That’s why it needs one of the most powerful antioxidants — grape seed extract. This is common in capsule and powder form. If you take it in the form of a 200 mg capsule, take two capsules daily. But if you want it in powder form, take a 50 to 200 milligram serving of grape seed extract per day. Do not exceed 500 mg in a day.
Magnesium is a crucial mineral that plays a role in more than 300 biochemical processes in the body, including sweat gland function. A 2016 study published in the Medical Science Monitor found that individuals living with hyperhidrosis had an overall lower level of magnesium in their bodies. Adding a magnesium supplement to your diet ought to help reduce the severity of hyperhidrosis. You can take magnesium supplements in the form of tablets, powders, or through foods such as magnesium-rich nuts, spinach, and whole grains.
Zinc is a mineral that assists in the regulation of the immune system as well as the removal of toxins from the body. It equally affects sweat gland function. A 2020 study published in the Archives of Dermatological Research discovered that individuals with higher levels of zinc in their bodies had a reduced risk of developing hyperhidrosis. Zinc supplements can be found in the form of pills, capsules, or through foods such as oysters, meats, and pumpkin seeds.
Precautions when taking Supplements
It is essential to take precautions when considering supplements for Hyperhidrosis. Always discuss any new supplements with your healthcare provider, especially if you are on other medications. Also, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the label and avoid taking more than the recommended dose.
When to See a Doctor
Most of the time, sweating, along with other symptoms like infections, can be a manifestation of a more severe condition. You need to seek medical attention right away if the profuse sweating is associated with nausea, lightheadedness and chest pain.
Also, get yourself for review by a medical specialist when:
- The excessive sweat is already disrupting your day-to-day activities
- Hyperhidrosis already causes social anxiety or withdrawal
- There’s a sudden abnormality in your way of sweating than usual
- You’re experiencing sweating at night for no clear reason
The Bottom Line
Hyperhidrosis is not life-threatening, although it can cause discomfort and embarrassment, as well as psychological trauma. This is often embarrassing because it stains shirts and different clothes and hinders social, romantic and business interactions. More severe instances may impair your ability to do simple daily tasks such as gripping a pen firmly, maneuvering the steering wheel of your car and shaking hands with people you meet. Thus, it’s important to get this treated to regain self-confidence.
Sweating is a natural way of regulating our body temperature, but when it becomes excessive and uncontrollable, it can become a major problem. Hyperhidrosis can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition, but it does not have to limit your quality of life. Supplements like sage, chamomile, magnesium, grape seed extract, and zinc can help alleviate excessive sweating and other hyperhidrosis symptoms. However, it is important to consult a doctor before taking any supplements or changing your diet, particularly if you have an underlying medical condition. Overall, this blog post is to provide useful information that helps you manage your hyperhidrosis and lead a more comfortable life.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.