Updated: 11/01/23
Are you wondering about G6PD deficiency and how best to treat it? You’re not alone. G6PD is an acronym that stands for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency– a condition in which the body can’t produce enough of an important enzyme that helps break down sugar molecules. Our products are designed to help those with this condition to get better without stressing their bodies too much; by providing essential nutrients, enzymes, and minerals needed for proper metabolism and health. Read on to learn more about what G6PD deficiency is, why our supplements may be beneficial for treating it, and the steps you can take toward improving your health naturally!
What is G6PD Deficiency?
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is definitely a mouthful. It is a rare, hereditary health condition that causes red blood cells to break down faster than they should when the body is exposed to certain foods, drugs or infections. This condition is called hemolysis and it is a direct result of low levels of the G6PD enzyme or if the patient is missing the enzyme altogether.
G6PD is an inherited X-linked recessive condition caused by gene mutations. This makes it more likely for males to develop it because they only have one X chromosome. Females are generally carriers, but it often does not produce symptoms because they have two X chromosomes. So if a female patient has the mutation on one X chromosome, they still have another chromosome without a mutation.
G6PD is rare, but it is no mystery. Doctors are well-practiced in treatment and typically individuals fare very well after treatment. They key is for patients to know as much as possible about the condition to avoid factors that may trigger the symptoms.
Signs of G6PD Deficiency
In most cases, patients with the deficiency never show any symptoms. However, when the patient is exposed to a trigger, it can cause a set of symptoms that signal an abnormality in the blood or G6PD deficiency including:
- Rapid heart rate
- Jaundice
- Dark or cloudy urine
- Fever
- Pale skin
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
Associated Conditions
Neonatal Jaundice
Neonatal jaundice is not uncommon in infants. Jaundice causes slight discoloration, a yellowish pigmentation in the skin and the whites of the eyes. However, this condition is even more prevalent in infants with G6PD deficiency. This is because the baby’s blood contains excess bilirubin, a yellow pigment that the liver produces. Red blood cells break down bilirubin, so if the red blood cells break down abnormally, it can cause jaundice.
Hemolytic Crisis
A hemolytic crisis is a paramount symptom for G6PD. It occurs when medicine, food or infections trigger a quick loss of red blood cells over a short period of time. Typically these symptoms subside once the patient removes the trigger, but in some cases it can result in chronic anemia. Hemolytic crises are more common in children and triggers include certain illnesses or painkillers. Mothballs can also cause extremely harmful if a child ingests one.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis is when the body produces excess acids in the blood called ketones. It a common complication associated with diabetes, which is why some patients may overlook it when it comes to G6PD deficiency. Both conditions can also have some of the same triggers.
Favism is a condition that occurs when individuals with G6PD deficiency consume fava beans, which can cause severe hemolytic anemia. Symptoms of favism include fever, stomach pain, and jaundice and can occur within hours of consuming fava beans. As such, individuals with G6PD deficiency should avoid fava beans and other legumes, such as broad beans and lentils.
G6PD Deficiency Triggers
G6PD deficiency is a genetic condition that results from gene mutations. However, there are several factors that researchers also recognize as “causes” or, more accurately, triggers of this rare condition. These factors cause oxidative stress in the body.
The foods people eat affect every part of their bodies, including the blood. This means that certain foods can even trigger G6PD symptoms. First and foremost is fava beans. However, some patients also cannot tolerate blueberries, red wine, soybeans and tonic water.
Fruits and Vegetables with High Levels of Vitamin C
Some fruits and vegetables contain high levels of vitamin C, which can trigger G6PD deficiency reactions. These include oranges, kiwis, grapefruits, and strawberries. However, it is usually only a problem in large quantities and shouldn’t be a major concern for most people, especially if eaten in moderation.
Blueberries are often touted as a superfood, packed with antioxidants, and other health-boosting compounds. However, for people with G6PD deficiency, blueberries can be a significant trigger for hemolysis. Blueberries contain compounds known as anthocyanins that can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells in people with G6PD deficiency.
There are also several medications that may trigger symptoms in patients with a deficiency. These medications may thin the blood and break down red blood cells. Medications like antibiotics, anticonvulsants, antimalarial and cardiovascular drugs may cause adverse reactions in the blood. Certain medication designed to treat cancer may also cause adverse reactions.
Sulfa Drugs
Sulfa drugs are a class of antibiotics that are commonly used to treat infections. However, for people with G6PD deficiency, sulfa drugs can be a significant trigger for hemolysis. Sulfa drugs can cause oxidative stress in red blood cells, leading to their destruction.
Viral & Bacterial Infections
Bacterial and viral infections may also trigger G6PD symptoms. If a patient has an infection, it causes oxidative stress that the body cannot tolerate as well. For example, bacterial infections that may trigger symptoms include strep throat, tuberculosis and urinary tract infections. Viral infections include chickenpox, HIV/AIDS and the common cold and flu.
Vitamin K Supplements
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in blood clotting. However, for people with G6PD deficiency, taking vitamin K supplements can be dangerous. Vitamin K can trigger hemolysis by increasing oxidative stress in red blood cells.
Certain Environmental Triggers
Certain environmental triggers, such as mothballs, menthol, and camphor, can also trigger hemolysis in people with G6PD deficiency. These triggers are often found in household products such as insecticides, air fresheners, and cleaning agents.
Blood Transfusions
Blood transfusions can trigger a reaction in people with G6PD deficiency, as the red blood cells in the donated blood may break down rapidly. If you have this condition, it’s essential to inform your healthcare providers before any medical procedures involving blood transfusion.

Diagnosing G6PD
Testing for G6PD deficiency can be done through a simple blood test. The test measures the activity level of the G6PD enzyme in the blood. If a person has low levels of the G6PD enzyme, they may have G6PD deficiency. Testing for G6PD deficiency is important for diagnosing the condition and deciding on the best course of treatment.
G6PD Deficiency in Females
In females, the disorder may manifest itself as asymptomatic or symptomatic. Females with some residual G6PD enzyme activity may remain asymptomatic for a long time, whereas females with no residual G6PD activity may have acute hemolytic episodes.
Females diagnosed with G6PD deficiency need to take certain precautions to prevent hemolytic episodes. They need to avoid certain types of food, such as fava beans, which are known to trigger the condition. Similarly, they need to avoid certain medications and drugs that may lead to oxidative stress on red blood cells. Pregnant women with G6PD deficiency may face certain complications, and they need to seek medical help during pregnancy.
G6PD Deficiency Treatment
Diet and Nutrition
One of the best ways to manage G6PD deficiency is through proper diet and nutrition. You should avoid foods that are high in fava beans, such as hummus and falafel, as well as certain medications, such as sulfonamide antibiotics. In order to maintain a well-balanced diet, you should eat plenty of fruits and veggies rich in vitamins C and E. Taking supplements and multivitamins can also help you get the nutrients that you need to stay healthy while living with G6PD deficiency.
Protective Measures
Another way that people with G6PD deficiency can protect themselves is by covering their skin from the sun. Sunburn can trigger a hemolytic event in people with this condition, which could result in red urine, jaundice, and even fever. Wearing protective clothing, such as UV-resistant hats and long-sleeved shirts, can minimize the risk of sunburns and prevent hemolytic episodes.
There are certain medications that people with G6PD deficiency should avoid. You should inform your healthcare provider of your G6PD status so that they can prescribe medications that are safe for you. Aspirin, for example, can cause hemolytic anemia in people with G6PD deficiency. Other medications that should be avoided include chloramphenicol, dapsone, and nitrofurantoin.
Regular exercise has many health benefits, including improved immune function, better sleep patterns, and better mood regulation. People with G6PD deficiency can benefit from regular exercise, as long as they avoid high-intensity activities that can cause muscle damage. Low-impact activities, such as walking, swimming, and cycling, are great options for people with this condition.
Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is still in its experimental stage and an effective G6PD deficiency treatment. Researchers are exploring the possibility of fixing defective G6PD genes through various gene manipulation techniques. While there is still a lot of work to be done on gene therapy, it has shown great potential as a future treatment option for G6PD deficiency.
Blood Transfusion
G6PD is manageable and patients can live with the condition, but in some rare cases it may require treatment to reverse abnormalities in the blood. For example, in severe cases patients may need a blood transfusion. This is a common practice and typically it is very safe. In the process, the physician transfers blood from a donor to the recipient’s bloodstream.
Dialysis is a treatment that helps support kidney function if they cannot perform correctly on their own. The kidneys help remove waste, salt and extra water from the body. They can also help the body maintain a safe level of certain chemicals in the blood that it needs, such as potassium and sodium. Lastly, dialysis may help control high blood pressure, which medical researchers associate with kidney failure. In fact, acute renal failure is common in patients with G6PD deficiency and patients may need to undergo dialysis to manage it.
Avoid Stressors
Although there are treatment options, the best way for patients with G6PD deficiency to avoid symptoms is to avoid triggers. The three main triggers are medication, food and infections. Patients should take extra precaution to avoid any factors that can cause oxidative stress.
Supplements for G6PD Deficiency
Folic Acid
Folic acid is a vitamin that may be helpful for pregnant women and babies. However, doctors also prescribe it frequently to individuals with G6PD deficiency to prevent anemia. Specifically, folic acid can help the bone marrow keep up with production demands to make red blood cells, potentially reversing the effects of G6PD deficiency. As a dietary supplement, the recommended dosage for folic acid (Vitamin B9) powder is no more than 500 mg a day.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is naturally present in the blood and cell membranes and helps prevent lipid peroxidation. During oxidative stress, such as with G6PD lipid peroxidation, it may interfere with cellular homeostasis. Vitamin E can help stabilize and prevent these processes. The suggested dosage for vitamin E powder is 500 to 1,000 mg per day.
Ferrous Fumarate
Ferrous fumarate is an iron supplement and it may help patients with iron deficiency anemia, a very common nutrient deficiency. Anemia is also related to G6PD deficiency and researchers have also tested iron supplements as a potential treatment. The suggested serving size for ferrous fumarate powder as a dietary supplement is 55 mg once a day. Use a milligram scale for accuracy.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and can protect red blood cells from oxidative damage. Studies have shown that vitamin C supplements can reduce oxidative stress in people with G6PD deficiency. You can also take vitamin C supplements after consulting with your doctor.
Alpha-lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that can protect red blood cells from oxidative damage. Some research suggests that alpha-lipoic acid supplements can reduce the risk of hemolysis in people with G6PD deficiency. However, more studies are needed to confirm this. You may purchase ALA supplements here at Bulksupplements.com.
Glutathione is a tripeptide (made of three amino acids) that has antioxidant properties. It can protect red blood cells from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of hemolysis in people with G6PD deficiency. Glutathione supplements are available in different forms, including oral supplements, injections, and topical creams. However, it’s important to consult with your doctor before taking glutathione supplements.
N-acetyl L-cysteine
N-acetyl L-cysteine is a precursor to glutathione and can also help boost glutathione levels in the body. It also has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to improve liver function in people with G6PD Deficiency. NAC supplements are available for purchase here at Bulksupplements.com.
The Bottom Line
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is a mouthful, but it is also extremely rare. It results when the body breaks down red blood cells too quickly. Usually, it only causes symptoms when the patient is exposed to triggers such as medications, certain foods or infections. Signs and symptoms include jaundice, pale skin, fatigue and dizziness.
Luckily, the symptoms usually disappear after the patient eliminates the trigger and the best way to prevent it is to avoid them altogether. However, in some serious cases the patient may require a blood transfusion or dialysis as treatment. Patients may also try natural supplements for the condition. However, they are not a complete treatment for G6PD deficiency or any other medical condition on their own.
Supplements can be a great way to alleviate the symptoms of G6PD deficiency. However, it’s important to remember that supplements aren’t a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. It’s also crucial to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements, as excessive intake can do more harm than good. Furthermore, supplements can interact with medications and other supplements, so it’s important to disclose your supplement usage to your doctor. With the right supplements and guidance, people with G6PD deficiency can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease