Updated: 1/15/24
We all know that calcium is vital for building strong bones and preventing conditions like osteoporosis. But did you know that this essential mineral has many other benefits beyond just bone health? From promoting muscle strength to aiding nerve function, calcium plays a crucial role in keeping our bodies functioning at their best. And with the rise of plant-based diets and concerns about dairy consumption, understanding how to incorporate it into our lifestyles is more important than ever. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into the advantages of calcium and explore delicious ways to increase your intake without relying on traditional sources. So whether you’re a fitness fanatic or just looking to improve your overall health, join us as we uncover the hidden powers of calcium!
What is Calcium?
Calcium is an essential mineral or nutrient, which helps the body work efficiently. It is widely available in almost all dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seafood. Health experts recommend that an adult should consume 1000 milligrams of calcium per day to maintain good bone health. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in calcium is essential for people of all ages. It works by binding with other minerals to form bones and teeth. When levels are low, the body takes calcium from the bones, which can lead to bone fractures, tooth decay, and weak bone structure.
It plays a crucial role in nerve signaling, including muscle contractions and heartbeat regulation. Calcium also dip in the blood when there is a signaling it to the thyroid gland to release parathyroid hormone (PTH), which helps to restore the calcium levels throughout the body. PTH works on bone tissue to stimulate the release of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream, thus, helping to maintain steady calcium levels. Without sufficient calcium, the nervous system can become overactive, thus causing irregular heartbeats and other complications.
It has a long history of importance in various cultures. Milk and dairy products have been consumed for ages to promote strength and vitality. In ancient Greece, the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras recommended drinking goat’s milk to treat various illnesses. Additionally, many cultures believe that consuming foods rich in calcium during pregnancy can prevent complications and promote healthy fetal development. Calcium-rich foods like milk and cheese play an indispensable role in various cultural food traditions, such as cheesecake, pancakes, and Parmesan chicken.
Benefits of Calcium
Builds Strong Bones and Teeth
It is undoubtedly the primary building block for building strong bones and teeth. It aids in bone development and promotes the production of healthy teeth. Without enough calcium, these important structures can become brittle and fragile, which can lead to fractures, disorders like osteoporosis, and other serious health issues. It’s for this reason that it is a popular supplement for older adults and anyone prone to bone issues.
Better Digestion
It is also believed to have a positive impact on digestion. It helps in regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation. Calcium also helps in absorbing certain nutrients that are essential for overall bodily health.
Help Prevent Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are a painful condition that affects around 12% of the population. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including a diet that is low in calcium. Surprisingly, consuming more of it can actually help prevent the formation of kidney stones. This is because it binds with oxalate in the gut, preventing it from being absorbable into the bloodstream and potentially forming painful stones.
Promotes Heart Health
It plays a vital role in maintaining heart health. A diet low in it can increase the risk of high blood pressure, and other heart-related diseases. It helps in regulating heart rhythm, and its deficiency can lead to irregular heartbeats.
Regulates Blood Pressure
It plays an essential role in regulating blood pressure. It helps prevent a hypertensive condition by relaxing and contracting blood vessels. This activity is enabled by calcium’s ability to stimulate the production of nitric oxide, a vital compound responsible for helping to relax blood vessels, allowing blood to pass through with less resistance. As a result, adequate calcium intake may help lower high blood pressure levels.
May Prevent Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a serious condition that affects about 5-8% of pregnant women. It is by high blood pressure and protein in the urine, and it can lead to serious complications for both the mother and the baby. One of the most effective ways to prevent preeclampsia is to get enough of it in your diet. Research shows that women who consume adequate amounts of it during pregnancy are less likely to develop this condition.
May Improve Blood Clotting
Blood clotting is a critical process that helps to stop bleeding when you are injured. However, if your blood doesn’t clot well enough, you could be at risk of excessive bleeding and even hemorrhage. It is essential for proper blood clotting, as it helps to activate platelets, the cells responsible for clotting. When you have enough calcium in your diet, you can ensure that your blood clots normally, protecting you from excessive bleeding.
May Lower Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol levels are a significant risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems. Thankfully, it shows to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. It works by binding with bile acids in the gut, preventing them from being reabsorbable and forcing the liver to make more bile from cholesterol in the body, thus reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
Better Nerve and Muscle Function
It plays a crucial role in muscle and nerve function. Without enough calcium, our muscles cannot contract and relax properly, leading to cramping and muscle weakness. It also helps in transmitting nerve signals, allowing us to perform everyday activities like walking, talking, and breathing with ease..
Promotes Weight Loss
It also contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. It helps in reducing fat absorption from the gut and increasing the breakdown of fats within the cells. Furthermore, calcium aids in regulating appetite and provides a feeling of fullness, resulting in a decreased amount of calorie consumption.
Prevents Colon Cancer
The supplements may decrease colon polyps and help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Colon cancer is often detected later because of a lack of symptoms or preliminary tests. Calcium supplementation may be a way to help prevent it from developing in the first place.

Calcium Side Effects
The supplements can cause constipation, especially if they are taken in high doses or on an empty stomach. This is because it can bind to dietary fibers in your gut, making it difficult for your body to process food and eliminate wastes. To prevent constipation, make sure to drink plenty of water and eat high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables.
Kidney Stones
Taking too much supplements can increase the risk of developing kidney stones. This is because excess can build up in your kidneys and form crystals, which can then lead to painful stones. To reduce your risk of kidney stones, it is important to drink enough water and limit your intake of high-oxalate foods like spinach, rhubarb, and beet greens.
Acute Hypercalcemia
This is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition that can occur when your blood levels become too high. Symptoms of acute hypercalcemia include confusion, vomiting, muscle weakness, and even coma. This condition is most common in people with hyperparathyroidism or cancer, but taking too much supplements can also increase the risk of developing it.
Cardiovascular Disease
Some studies have suggested that high intakes, either from supplements or from dairy products, may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because excess can build up in the arteries and lead to plaque formation, which can then increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. However, more research is necessary to confirm this link.
Interference with Iron Absorption
The supplements can interfere with the absorption of iron, which can then lead to iron deficiency anemia. This is especially true if you take your calcium supplements with meals that are high in iron, like red meat. To prevent this, it is a recommendation that you take your calcium supplements at least two hours apart from meals.
Interference with Medication
It can interfere with prescribed medication in your system. Calcium can reduce the absorption of certain antibiotics, thyroid medications, and even iron supplements. It is a recommendation to take these medications at least a few hours before or after taking your calcium supplements.
How Much Calcium Should You Take?
Calcium Dosage
How much do you actually need? Luckily, the guidelines are very straightforward. According to the National Institutes of Health, the recommended daily allowances (RDA) for calcium through a combination of food and supplements are:
- Children ages 4-8: 1,000 mg
- Older children ages 9-18: 1,300 mg
- Adults 19-50: 1,000 mg
- Women ages 51+: 1,200 mg
- Men ages 51-70: 1,000 mg
- Men ages 71+: 1,200 mg
Forms of Calcium Supplements
When shopping for a calcium supplement, you’ll most likely find carbonate or citrate. These forms contain different amounts of what’s an “elemental,” or the amount of actual mineral in the supplement. Here is a description of the various forms of it you may find.
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium carbonate is one of the most common forms of it found naturally in rocks and minerals. This type is usually in over-the-counter antacids and is often an addition to foods like bread, cereal, and juice. You can also find it in eggshells and some types of seafood, like oysters.
Calcium Citrate
Calcium citrate is often a recommendation for people who have trouble absorbing other types of it. It’s easier for your body to absorb and is more bioavailable than other forms. You can find it in supplement form or in some dairy products like yogurt and cheese.
Calcium Chloride
Calcium chloride is a salt made of it and chlorine, often in use for food preservation. It has a high solubility rate and can be easily absorbable by the body. Calcium chloride is in use to treat deficiencies and hypocalcemia, a condition that results in low calcium levels in the blood. The recommended daily calcium intake for adults is roughly 1000-1300 milligrams.
Calcium Aspartate
Calcium aspartate is a mineral supplement that is to aid in building muscle mass, regulating the heartbeat, and providing stronger bones and teeth. This type of calcium supplement is commonly in use in treating osteoporosis and lowering the risk of fractures. It also helps improve nutrient absorption in the digestive system.
Calcium Lactate
Calcium lactate is a form that’s often used as a food additive. You can find it in some dairy products like cheese and yogurt, as well as in some types of vegetables like cabbage and spinach.
Calcium Gluconate
Calcium gluconate is often found in injectable form and is used to treat hypocalcemia, a condition where your body doesn’t have enough of it. You can also find it in supplement form, although it’s less common than some other types of calcium.
Calcium Ascorbate
Calcium ascorbate is a combination of it and ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C. Aside from its role in promoting healthy bones and teeth, calcium ascorbate is essential in maintaining a healthy immune system. It is also a belief to protect against heart disease, reduce blood pressure, and prevent cancer.
Calcium Beta-Hydroxyapatite
Calcium beta-hydroxyapatite is a form that’s found in bones and teeth. It’s often in use in supplements that are to promote bone health since it’s already present in your body’s natural structure. You can also find it in some types of seafood, like sardines.
Calcium Orotate
Calcium orotate is a combination of it and orotic acid and is common sports supplement in marketing. It is a belief to increase energy levels, improve athletic performance, and promote muscle growth. However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims.
Calcium Pyruvate
Calcium pyruvate is a compound that is created in our bodies during the process of glucose metabolism. It is a belief to aid in weight loss and energy boost. This type can promote healthy bones and better absorption of calcium in the body. It is often in use by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to help increase endurance and improve athletic performance.
Where to Buy Calcium Supplements
You can purchase calcium supplements at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor of pure dietary supplements.
BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other food and supplement brands to make their products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Do you share an interest in trying these supplements mentioned in this article as a possible solution to helping you with maintaining your bone density or overall bone and body health? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order today.
The Bottom Line
Calcium is a super mineral with numerous health benefits, and it’s crucial to ensure its adequate intake in our diet. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, calcium also plays a vital role in performing various other functions required by our body, such as regulating blood pressure, nerve transmission, and hormone secretion. Including calcium-rich foods like dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fortified foods in our diet is an easy way to ensure our daily intake. So, let’s take care of our health and make it a part of our daily diet.
Choosing the right type of supplement can be overwhelming. Knowing what to look for and understanding the different types available is crucial in ensuring that you choose the right supplement for your individual needs. As with all health supplements, it is essential to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen. Take charge of your bone health by selecting the best supplement that meets your specific needs. Remember, a healthy calcium intake can help to keep your bones healthy and strong for a lifetime.
Now that we have discussed some of the side effects, it is essential to remember that the key to a healthy life is moderation. This means consuming the recommended daily intake of calcium from food sources like dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. If you have a medical condition or are considering taking supplements, it is always best to consult with your doctor. This is because they can provide professional guidance on what calcium routine suits you. Lastly, it is essential to remember that not everyone experiences these side effects. The key is to monitor yourself and to listen to your body.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.