What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is when your bones have become brittle. Also called the brittle bone syndrome, which impacts an estimated 3 million people per year in the United States alone. Osteoporosis is a condition that involves the reduction of bone density.
It would help if you did not confuse it with osteopenia, which is more like the midway point between healthy bones and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a dangerous condition because it creates brittle bones more likely to fracture or break. It occurs in both men and women, but more commonly in women, especially during menopause. Luckily, research and studies have solutions to this health concern as prevention and treatable disease to relieve discomfort and reduce your body’s decline.
Once you have osteoporosis, you have it for life. In the beginning, loss of bone mass may not be as significant, but it generally increases with time. Symptoms are not intrusive, and these symptoms can be hard to detect. Some symptoms may include back pain and an eventual stoop or hunched over position because of weakened spinal strength. A qualified doctor must diagnose osteoporosis, and although you cannot cure it, treatments are available, and supplements help a great deal.
Osteoporosis Symptoms
What are the symptoms of osteoporosis? In the early stages, it is hard for you to tell if you have this health concern. By taking preventive measures, you can prevent this disease and hopefully live a pain-free life. In more advanced stages of the disease, these symptoms include:
- Stooped Posture
The effects of osteoporosis are slow and gradual, which is why your changing posture might be as well. Since it commonly affects the spinal column, an individual’s declining posture could be one noticeable symptom. You can frequently observe a stooped or hunched-over posture in individuals with osteoporosis because of a lack of bone density in the spinal column. It increases risk factors for postural instability and falls. (x)
- Loss of Height
Loss of height may seem like a highly odd symptom, but with osteoporosis, it’s possible. Since it decreases the density of bones, vertebral osteoporosis is highly likely. It means if the vertebrae become less dense and therefore smaller, it’ll appear as though an individual has lost height. Loss of height is another very gradual symptom often recorded over the course of time and perhaps not when first diagnosed with osteoporosis. (x)
- Back Pain
One of the worst symptoms is back pain. Back pain with osteoporosis is because of weakening vertebrae and, in some cases, vertebral fractures. Severe back pain can limit daily function and overall quality of life. It is a common symptom but ranges in severity. (x)
- Easily Broken Bones
The hardest part about living with osteoporosis is that brittle bones make an individual highly susceptible to breaks and fractures. Sometimes even the slightest fall can cause a fracture, thus making it difficult to live everyday life. The most common fractures associated with osteoporosis are the femoral neck, vertebrae fractures, and lumbar and thoracic vertebral fractures. (x)
- Other Symptoms
The symptoms listed above are the most common signs of osteoporosis. Loss of height and easily broken bones are especially noticeable, but these symptoms may not be apparent immediately since this is a progressive disease. Other minor symptoms can include mood changes because of a worsening condition. If you suspect osteoporosis, then you should talk with your doctor.
Osteoporosis Causes
By understanding the causes of osteoporosis, you may prevent yourself from getting this health concern. Some reasons for this disease:
- Excessive Loss of Bone Mass
Loss of bone mass or bone loss is what it sounds like, precisely. In technical terms, it’s when the cellular events of bone formation are more than the quantity of bone formation. Loss of bone mass is a normal human process, but excessive bone loss is the leading cause of osteoporosis. It can increase mortality, morbidity and mobility and decrease the overall quality of life. (x)
- Loss of Bone Mass
As mentioned above, loss of bone is a natural occurrence that increases with age. Thus, it makes aging a common cause of osteoporosis. In addition, aging for females includes menopause, which significantly increases the risk of loss of bone because menopause reduces the ability to fight osteoporosis. (x)
- Family History
Your family history is one of the conditions that easily links you to osteoporosis. In fact, not only does it increase the occurrence of osteoporosis, but those with a family history of stable bone mineral density most likely will not have low bone mineral mass. Higher loss of bone mineral density can lead to even weaker bones and an increased risk of fractures. Knowing it is in your family can help you adjust early in your life to prevent this health concern. (x)
- Low Calcium Intake
If you feel that your regular calcium intake is low, then you may become a likely candidate for osteoporosis. Vitamin D and calcium are the two nutrients essential for bone health, but low calcium intake makes bones especially weak. Keep in mind that weak bones and osteoporosis in general significantly increase the risk of fractures, especially hip fractures. Calcium is well-tolerated and found in many daily food sources. You would benefit if you consumed the recommended doses of calcium to hopefully steer clear of osteoporosis. (x)
- Other Causes
Although family history and age are widespread causes of osteoporosis, other risk factors may play a role. For example, lowered sex hormones caused by a decrease in estrogen, specifically during menopause, can increase the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, ethnicity seems to make it more likely for Caucasian and Asian people to develop the condition. Lastly, a history of commonly fractured bones increases the likelihood of having osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Supplements and Remedies
Discuss the benefits or adverse effects with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplement. With that, it is beneficial that you understand the significance of supplementing your body for healthier bones. Some to consider:
- Vitamin D
Vitamin D (and calcium) might as well be the kryptonite of osteoporosis. Taking these supplements is all about prevention. Vitamin D helps bones by allowing the body to absorb calcium and support muscles. Children and adults need vitamin D regularly. Familiar sources of vitamin D include various foods, sunlight and supplements. The reality is the sun does not give your body enough of this vitamin. With that, you must take a vitamin D supplement.
- Vitamin K
Vitamin K may not be the spokesperson for osteoporosis, but this forgotten nutrient can play an essential role in proper bone health and preventing osteoporosis. You can find it in dark, leafy greens, prunes, avocados and kiwi. Vitamin K can especially slow down bone loss for women after menopause and increase overall bone strength, therefore decreasing the risk of fractures. It has precise dosages when taken as a supplement. Follow the table below for accurate measures: (x)
- Children under 18 take 75 micrograms/day
- Women 19+ take 90 micrograms/day
- Men 19+ take 120 micrograms/day
- Women pregnant or breastfeeding (19-50) take 90 micrograms/day
- Women pregnant or breastfeeding (under 19) take 75 micrograms/day
- Calcium for Osteoporosis
Calcium is even more essential for life. It is helpful for our bones, but it also enables the blood to clot, the muscles to contract and the heart to beat. It is also necessary for our teeth. As much as we consume calcium (or should be), calcium gets lost through the hair, skin, nails, urine and sweat. The body does not produce calcium, which is why you need significant amounts to maintain the health of your body and prevent osteoporosis. (x) (x)
- Magnesium
Magnesium has been a recent discovery as it pertains to bone health and osteoporosis. Now, research finds adequate amounts of magnesium may decrease the risk of bone fractures and the risk of developing osteoporosis in the first place. There’s some controversy about the supplementation of magnesium for those with already healthy magnesium intake. In order to understand the proper dosage necessary for osteoporosis, it’s essential to speak with a professional first. (x)
Where to Buy Supplements for Osteoporosis?
You can purchase these supplements to help with osteoporosis at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor of pure dietary supplements.
BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other food and supplement brands to make their products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Are you interested in trying any of these supplements mentioned in this article as a possible solution to help you with osteoporosis? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order today.
Chiropractic Care for Osteoporosis
Chiropractic manipulation of your spine may provide relief of pain caused by osteoporosis. (x) A study performed on an 83-year-old man with a history of leukemia, multiple compression fractures, degenerative joint disease and osteoporosis. The patient had lifted his wife into her truck that resulted in low back pain. He received eight chiropractic treatments, creating positive results on his body, lowering his pain levels. (x)
Other Remedies and Supplements
Preventing osteoporosis and decreasing its severity is often about taking health precautions beforehand. Although a healthy diet may not help when your family history shows osteoporosis, it’s still wise to consume recommended amounts of vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and even vitamin K. Another natural remedy is physical exercise/activity. Even something as simple as brisk walking can improve the effects of osteoporosis by helping build bone mass and increasing balance and flexibility.
The Bottom Line
Osteoporosis is no mystery. Several million more people become affected every year. It all comes down to proper bone health when it comes to preventing the condition, which is why these nutrients are so beneficial.
Decreased bone strength from osteoporosis can severely hinder your quality of life by limiting mobility and living in constant pain. Do the most for your bones and take care of them proactively. The above supplements might be just the way to do it.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.