What is Nausea?
Like most people, you have experienced the discomfort of nausea at some point in your life. When it occurs, your stomach feels queasy, and you feel like you will be sick. Many health concerns can cause nausea, such as viruses, anxiety, migraine, certain medications or early pregnancy. When you’re nauseous, all you want is the symptoms to go away. Usually, after vomiting, you do feel relief unless it’s a more severe condition. (x)
Accompanying Symptoms of Nausea
Nausea can strike for various reasons. It may occur after a certain meal or with a severe headache or a fever. The sensation may vary based on the cause, and there are hundreds of them. Some of the more common accompanying characteristics are: (x)
- Uneasiness, queasiness and discomfort in the stomach
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Feeling anxious
- Feeling faint
- Dry mouth
- Cramps
- Bloating
- Chest pain
- Heartburn
When to Contact a Doctor
If the sensation persists, seek medical attention. Persistent, recurring or unexplained nausea or vomiting may be signs of a severe illness. Contact a doctor if nausea and vomiting occur after eating spoiled food or taking a new medication or if you experience dizziness, chest or lower abdominal pain or trouble swallowing.
Causes of Nausea
Since nausea stems from nonspecific symptoms, it’s essential to understand what causes the sickness of the stomach and the urge to vomit. Some include:
- Viruses or Infections
A viral or bacterial infection can impact the stomach, which can cause nausea. Bacteria in food can cause food poisoning, which also causes nausea and sometimes vomiting. (x)
- Food Allergies
Some people have adverse reactions to certain foods, which can cause nausea. People with allergies or sensitivities to fatty or spicy foods may feel nauseous after eating. (x)
- Motion Sickness
Even though motion sickness is not life threatening, it can cause mild to severe discomfort, nausea and vomiting. It occurs when the brain receives conflicting messages about motion and the body’s position in space. It is actually a disturbance of the inner ear, the area of the body that affects the sense of balance and equilibrium. People may experience motion sickness in cars, airplanes, buses or swaying and spinning amusement park rides. (x) (x)
- Certain Medications and Medical Treatments
Nausea is a common side effect of some medications. For example, antibiotics, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), antidepressants and blood pressure medications may cause patients to feel nauseous. (x) (x) In addition, some people feel nauseous from the hormones in birth control pills. (x) If you take any medications that make you nauseous, you should speak to a doctor.
Some medical treatments can cause nausea. For example, chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer are common causes. If you can’t control it, it can cause you to lose your appetite, dehydration, malnutrition and broken bones. Also, the esophagus may tear, and surgical incisions may reopen. (x)
- Overeating
Overindulging in food may sometimes cause nausea. Avoid this feeling by eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly. Try to keep from eating too many sugary desserts.
- Alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to nausea and vomiting. It can also have more severe side effects, such as liver damage and cirrhosis, a permanent condition in which scar tissue on the liver replaces healthy tissue and interferes with its function. (x)
- Migraine Headaches
Migraines are extreme, recurring headaches that can cause intense nausea and vomiting. These become triggered by hormones, emotions like stress or depression, lack of sleep, low blood sugar, alcohol or medications. (x) Migraines also come from your neck being out of alignment or your head posture leaning forward too much. Your ears need to be aligned with your shoulders to keep the pressure off your neck and shoulders. You may find relief from a chiropractic adjustment or practicing Egoscue exercises.
A study performed by the Chiropractic Research Center of Macquarie University worked with 27 volunteers between 10 and 70 years. All volunteers had a minimum of one migraine a month. With 16 treatments over two months, the results were positive. More than 50% reported significant improvement in migraines. Eighty percent of the volunteers said the migraines were because of stress. (x)
Exercises described in the book, Headache Relief, offer drug-free solutions to migraine headaches. Some reported relief in 60 seconds. (x)
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is an acid reflux reaction, causing the stomach contents to rise back into the esophagus and irritate it. It can lead to heartburn, nausea and vomiting in extreme cases. (x)
- Stomach Ulcers
The destroying of the stomach lining cause sores in the stomach, which is another major cause of stomach ulcers. They cause a burning sensation in the stomach and sometimes pain, leading to nausea and vomiting in extreme cases. (x)
- Anxiety
Anxiety can manifest as a profoundly unsettling pit in the stomach, and for some people, it triggers nausea and vomiting. Stress triggers the glands in your body to release adrenaline and cortisol, which cause physiological changes, including rapid breathing, higher blood pressure and a faster pulse. It may also make the patient feel lightheaded and nauseous. (x)
- Pregnancy
More than 70 to 80 percent of pregnancies cause nausea and vomiting. Typically called “morning sickness,” a common ailment in the early stages of pregnancy. (x) (x) Doctors do not know what causes morning sickness exactly. But it is most likely a result of hormonal changes, specifically estrogen and progesterone. Pregnancy may also increase odor sensitivity, which can also trigger nausea. (x)

Nausea Treatments
Sometimes patients cannot control the factor that causes them to feel nauseous. However, there are various natural and medicinal remedies to prevent the feeling and treat it by directly addressing its causes, if possible.
- Medication
Anti-nausea medications, such as travel sickness tablets or migraine medication, can prevent the feeling. Antiemetic drugs treat severe nausea, requiring a medical evaluation and a prescription. If you can’t stop vomiting, it might be your only answer. (x)
- Hydration
Keeping the body hydrated is essential to prevent and combat nausea. If you feel nauseous, take small sips of water to stay hydrated. It is a good idea to mix electrolytes into the water or juice to replenish what the body has lost after vomiting. Safely hydrating before surgery — if permitted by a doctor — may even prevent the patient from feeling nauseous after the procedure. Studies have shown that hydrating before surgery may enhance recovery. (x)
- Diet
An unhealthy or unsuitable diet may be the cause. Avoid food allergies or sensitivities that trigger nausea. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, drink enough water throughout the day and eat slowly to allow the food to digest.
- Reduce Alcohol Intake
Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol by binge drinking causes severe health issues, ranging from nausea and vomiting to liver disease and ultimately death. Avoid heavy alcohol consumption for a healthier lifestyle.
Supplements for Nausea
Supplements may also help treat nausea as a symptom. However, supplements will not treat any underlying medical condition that triggers it. Supplements are not a replacement for proper medical treatment. Always consult a doctor before taking supplements and make sure to follow all medical advice. Some supplements that may help:
- Ginger
This root vegetable is available in various forms, including ground ginger, fresh ginger and ginger supplements. Ginger root extract is effective as a digestive support and may help treat stomach aches and nausea. According to research, it may also help prevent it in pregnancy and chemotherapy. (x) Take 1,000 mg of ginger root extract powder once a day.
- Peppermint
Peppermint is a fantastic herb that helps prevent nausea, eases stomach pain and aids digestion. (x) (x) It is available in different forms, including fresh peppermint, extract supplements and peppermint lozenges. As a dietary supplement, take peppermint extract powder in 700 mg doses once or twice a day, preferably with food.
- Vitamin B6
Research over the years shows that vitamin B6 helps relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Participants took 25 mg tablets orally every eight hours for 72 hours. After three days, eight of 31 patients still experienced vomiting, showing positive results. (x)
Another study showed that women who experienced nausea and vomiting had low levels of B6 circulating in their bodies compared to those who didn’t have the symptoms. Staff gave those with sickness and vomiting a high supplementation of B6, which decreased their symptoms. (x)
Where to Buy Supplements for Nausea and Vomiting?
You can purchase these supplements to help with nausea and vomiting at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor of pure dietary supplements.
BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other food and supplement brands to make their products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Are you interested in trying any of these supplements mentioned in this article as a possible solution to help you with nausea and vomiting? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order today.
The Bottom Line
Nausea is a feeling of digestive uneasiness. It is often a symptom of many different conditions — motion sickness, migraine pain, inadequate diet, anxiety, heartburn, medications and pregnancy. The feeling also triggers other accompanying symptoms, such as dizziness, headache, fever, diarrhea, dry mouth, and vomiting.
However, sometimes it is not possible to treat the direct cause. But it is possible to relieve the symptom itself. Staying hydrated, making dietary changes or reducing alcohol intake may alleviate the feeling. Ginger or peppermint extract supplements may also help ease digestive discomfort. Although they may help, supplements should not replace medical treatment. Consult a doctor before taking any supplements.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.