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10 Essential Supplements for Better Vision & Better Eye Health

Updated: 12/6/23

Are you looking for ways to keep your eyesight sharp and maintain healthy vision? Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential, but supplements may be the extra boost you need. Supplements for vision can reduce uncomfortable symptoms, such as dry eye or blurry vision, while also helping to protect against harmful aspects that affect day-to-day life – from spending too much time staring at screens, pollution, free radicals and more. Now is the perfect time to learn about these helpful essentials so that you can stay on track with achieving better vision! Read on to discover 10 essential supplements for better vision & better eye health.

How to Keep the Eyes Healthy

Our eyes are one of the most important organs in our body, but often, we take them for granted. With so much of our time spent in front of screens and under artificial lighting, it’s more critical than ever to prioritize eye health. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best ways to keep your eyes healthy and happy, from lifestyle changes to dietary habits.

Give Your Eyes a Break

Our eyes are designed to move and adjust, not stay fixed for hours on end. Practice the 20/20/20 rule, which suggests that every 20 minutes, you should look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This simple exercise can help relieve eye fatigue and reduce strain. Another option is to invest in blue light blocking glasses, which can help protect your eyes from the damaging blue light emitted by screens.

Take Supplements

Just like any other part of your body, your eyes need proper nutrition to function at their best. Supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, E, and zinc can help promote eye health and reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases. Many high-quality supplements are available online or in-store, so it’s easy to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Wear Sunglasses

UV rays from the sun can cause long-term damage to your eyes. Invest in a good pair of sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection to keep your eyes safe when you’re out in the sun. If you wear prescription glasses, consider getting prescription sunglasses to make sure your eyes are protected at all times.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can cause eye dryness and irritation, so it’s essential to stay hydrated throughout the day. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water each day, and avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, which can dehydrate your body and affect your eyes.

Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly

While many of the above tips can help promote eye health, there’s no substitute for a comprehensive eye exam. Your eye doctor can detect early signs of eye disease and provide treatment options to keep your eyes healthy. Most eye doctors recommend an annual check-up, but if you have a family history of eye disease or other risk factors, more frequent exams may be necessary.

What is Vision Health?

Vision health covers all aspects of your eye health, from simple vision issues, like nearsightedness and farsightedness, to more complex and serious conditions, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Having good vision health means keeping your eyes in good condition and being aware of the symptoms of any potential issues.

Why Is Vision Health Important?

Good vision health has a direct impact on our quality of life. If left unchecked, poor vision can lead to many issues, including falls, social isolation, and depression. It can even compromise your ability to perform daily tasks such as reading, driving, or watching TV. Early detection of vision issues can alleviate these problems and prevent further complications such as blindness.

Common Symptoms of Vision Problems

Although eyesight does change over time with age, sudden changes in vision are nothing to ignore. It may just be time to order a new pair of glasses, a sign to increase daily vitamins for eye health or it may be a sign of other health issues. Common symptoms of vision problems include:

How Does Vision Change with Age?

The eyes change with age just like the rest of the body. Let’s take a look at the natural changes that occur in the eyes as we age. Starting in our 40s, the lenses in our eyes begin to stiffen and lose flexibility. This makes it harder for the eyes to focus on close objects, a condition known as presbyopia. Other common changes include a reduced ability to distinguish between similar colors, increased sensitivity to glare, and a decreased ability to see clearly in low light conditions. Although these changes are a natural part of aging, there are steps you can take to mitigate their effects. For example, investing in a good pair of reading glasses or using brighter lighting when reading or doing close work can help alleviate the symptoms of presbyopia.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration is a condition where the patient loses their central vision when the macula—a part of the retina—gets damaged. It may not affect peripheral vision, but the patient cannot see details close up or far away. Risk factors for AMD include diets high in saturated fat, overweight, smoking and hypertension.


Cataracts are so widespread in older patients that some professionals in the medical field consider it a standard stage in the aging process. When a patient has cataracts, tiny clusters of protein molecules develop on the eye’s lens which blocks light and dims vision. Cataracts cloud the eye lens and cause headaches because the eyes must work harder.


Glaucoma causes permanent damage to the optic nerve that gets more severe over time. Pressure accumulates in the eye from fluid buildup because the eye fails to drain it properly. As it worsens, glaucoma can cause lasting vision loss or complete blindness in a short amount of time. During the early stages, patients may not have symptoms or pain. Regular eye exams can diagnose glaucoma for treatment before any long-term vision impairment.

Diabetic Retinopathy

As the body ages, the risk for diabetes may increase along with the risk for diabetic retinopathy. The condition stems from diabetes because high blood sugar damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina, which responds to light. If the issue goes untreated, swelling will occur, causing bleeding, blurred vision and headaches. It is also the leading cause of blindness.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is when the retina detaches from its normal position in the eye. It is a severe condition that needs treatment right away. Most incidents are age-related conditions and typically result from poorly managing diabetes. Signs include floating specks in the vision, flashes of light in the eyes, blurry vision, impaired peripheral vision and shadow-like curtains over the visual field.

Other Common Eye Conditions 


In conjunctivitis (or “pink eye”), the whites of the eyes turn red or pink. Conjunctivitis develops from inflammation in the shell of tissue covering the whites of the eyes, called the conjunctiva. Infections, bacteria or allergies may cause the condition. It is contagious and spreads through the sticky discharge that comes from the infected eye. The patient experiences irritation, pain, discharge, redness, itching, watering, light sensitivity and blurry vision.

Hordeolum (Stye)

A stye is a bump that develops on the outside or inside of the eye that looks like a pimple. It is caused by a bacterial infection in the glands in the eye. Along with the bump itself, the patient experiences pain, swelling, sensitivity to light, tearing and crusting on the eyelid. The blockage of a gland or follicle, stress and hormonal changes in the body can produce the conditions for the stye to develop.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is when the eye does not have enough moisture on its surface. The persistent lack of moisture causes mild to severe inflammation and irritation, which can cause scarring on the surface of the eye. The syndrome is age-related and flares up during post-menopause or with arthritis. Heavy use of computers and other electronic devices can cause dry eye syndrome.

Color Blindness

Color blindness is the inability to distinguish colors. Most often, patients are unable to differentiate between shades of red, green, yellow or blue. The patient may also have difficulty distinguishing brightness or vividness. However, a complete inability to see any color is rare. Most of the time, patients who are color blind are not aware of it until an optometrist discovers it. Color blindness is usually a genetic problem. Optic nerve damage, cataracts, aging and physical or chemical damage to the eyes or brain can also cause color blindness.


Strabismus is a hereditary condition caused by impaired development in the brain’s neurological center. The eyes fail to work together and the eyes do not focus on objects at the same time, causing them to cross. Some medical professionals claim that the muscles or nerves fail to control the eyes. Still, other studies note that strabismus is a muscle-related malfunction in the brain’s control system.

Supplements for Vision Health

The body needs minerals to function effectively and even vision relies on certain vitamins for eye health. Although these important nutrients are in the body naturally, patients may want to include outside sources as well, such as food or supplements. However, keep in mind that supplements do not cure any health condition or disease on their own. Instead, they are designed to provide the body with what it needs for optimum health and to help support the processes the body performs naturally. All patients need to consult with a doctor before trying any supplement (x).

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Studies show that consuming omega-3 fatty acids can help protect against macular degeneration, which is an age-related eye disease that causes vision loss. These healthy fats also aid in reducing inflammation in the eyes and promote proper drainage of intraocular fluid. Omega-3 is found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, but if you don’t eat fish regularly, you can take supplements with omega 3 which can help maintain optimal eye health.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is known to protect the eyes against oxidative stress. The eyes are particularly susceptible to oxidative damage due to their heavy oxygen consumption. Studies have demonstrated that taking supplements with vitamin E powder can help protect against cataract development.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is found in many fruits and vegetables such as citrus, bell peppers, kale, and broccoli. It is an essential player in boosting the immune system and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. However, aside from its immune-boosting effects, vitamin C is also great for maintaining healthy blood vessels in the eyes. As a dietary supplement, take 1,000 mg ascorbic acid / vitamin C powder up to three times daily.


Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for many metabolic processes in the body. It is crucial for maintaining healthy vision and is an important component of enzymes in the visual system. Studies have shown that zinc is necessary for the conversion of vitamin A to retinol, which is essential for healthy vision. As a dietary supplement, take between 225 and 450 mg of zinc gluconate powder once per day.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

These two antioxidants are naturally found in the retina of the eye and are believed to protect against damaging blue light and other environmental stressors. Lutein and Zeaxanthin work together to form a protective barrier that helps keep the eye’s delicate tissues healthy. We sell Lutein and Zeaxanthin here in capsule form.


Bilberry is a shrub that berries contain high levels of antioxidants and anthocyanins, which promote good eye health. It is often in use to treat various eye disorders, including cataracts and night blindness. Bilberry sells as an extract powder on

Ginkgo Biloba 

Ginkgo biloba is an herb that’s been in use for centuries to treat various ailments, including vision problems. It is a belief to improve blood flow to the retina, promote clear vision, and prevent damage from oxidative stress. Ginkgo biloba is an herb sold here in capsule and powder form.

Coenzyme Q10 

CoQ10 supplements significantly reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. It works by protecting cells from oxidative damage and promoting healthy tissue growth within the eye. CoQ10 supplements are on sale here in capsule and powder form.

Beta-Carotene & Vitamin A

These two substances work together to maintain healthy eyes in general. Beta-carotene in the body converts into vitamin A, which helps keep the cornea clear. The cornea is what covers the eye. This vitamin is part of the protein rhodopsin, which allows sight in low light. So together, these are important vitamins for eye health and vision. The recommended dosage for beta-carotene powder is 1,300 mg per day. The supplement dose for vitamin A palmitate powder is 30 mg daily.

The Bottom Line

The above supplements play a significant role in protecting eye health, promoting clear vision, and reducing the risk of age-related eye diseases. Incorporating these supplements into your diet, along with proper eye care, can significantly improve eye health. Don’t overlook your eyes any longer – take the necessary steps to keep them healthy and clear for years to come. 

Vision changes are a natural part of the aging process. As the body changes with age, so do the eyes. There are several common symptoms that may signal vision problems or deteriorating eye health, such as blurred vision, irritation, watery eyes or redness. Regular changes in the optical system with age can lead to functional challenges. Age-related eye diseases include cataracts, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. Other common eye conditions include color blindness, conjunctivitis and strabismus.

Take precautions to protect your eyes—wear protective eye wear, limit screen time and make sure to get enough nutrients either through diet or supplements. However, supplements do not cure vision changes or any other disease or condition. They aim to support natural body processes. Consult a doctor before taking any dietary supplements. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

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