L-Norvaline and Bodybuilding
Once a minor industry and not well known to the general population, bodybuilding has become a mass-market within the health and fitness culture.
When bodybuilding started gaining popularity, the primary focus was packing on muscle size and mass. The industry strengthened and shifted its focus. It no longer tried to reach maximum gains or bulk as precedence. Bodybuilding tried to meet functional looks and did so in a healthy and well-rounded way.
Bodybuilders spend years working to achieve the perfect physique through intense training and discipline. What once was all about time spent in the gym has changed the focus to be more well-rounded, incorporating dietary and supplemental means of achieving that ideal physique. One such supplement that has become more popular in this culture is L-norvaline.
What is L-Norvaline?
L-norvaline is a uniquely structured and water-soluble essential amino acid derived from valine, a branch chain amino acid. Branch chain amino acids help your immune system, intestinal health and stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which is the metabolic process your body performs to make new muscle protein, defined as gains. (x) (x)
L-norvaline is an isomer that branches out from valine. Isomers are essential in nutrition because they work together as enzymes, helping the body. (x) You can take it to aid in fueling muscle growth. L-norvaline supports the body’s arginine concentrations. Arginine is an enzyme that is key to forming nitric oxide (NO). L-norvaline’s primary purpose is to help regulate NO and blood flow in your body. (x)
So, how does this apply to lifting weights? When you lift, the blood vessels dilate and cause blood pressure to reduce. It’s what many know as vasodilation. (x) L-norvaline in the mix increases vasodilation and allows for great pumps that will last longer. More nutrient-dense blood flows throughout the muscles for extended periods caused by increasing vasodilation. It gives your body more oxygen and energy to get extra lifts while positively affecting your recovery. All of this together aids in producing better long-term results.
There are certain checks and balances within the body to ensure the proper function of all your critical systems. The body is a fantastic symphony that, when healthy, works in harmony to create an ideal melodic tone. These checks and balances work specifically for L-norvaline as well. While the body is making NO, enzymes inhibit and cap off NO levels within the body. L-norvaline, however, can step into this counteraction and block the NO from being capped off, allowing the increase of more NO and then released into your body. With these increases in NO, you can expect heightened muscle pumps, enhanced muscle recovery and overall improved athletic performance.
Sources of L-Norvaline
Like all essential amino acids, the body cannot produce them independently, so L-norvaline goes into your body through food and supplementation. Because L-norvaline is part of valine, adequate protein intake is necessary for proper L-norvaline consumption. However, if you are a bodybuilder or highly athletic individual, there may be a good reason for upping your L-norvaline intake — within your doctor recommended limits.
Bodybuilding and Fitness Plan Stacks
If you are a bodybuilder or have an interest in the subject, you might have heard of “stacks,” which feature combinations of various supplements to enhance your workout. One can find L-norvaline in many pre-workout supplement mixes, drinks and powders. Some blend it with other compounds, and supplements show beneficial effects to those with athletic lifestyles. These pre-workout mixes typically use arginine to enlarge veins and also to create NO to encourage a surge in blood and oxygen to the various muscle groups. This process bolsters the “pump,” which individuals are usually looking to get out of taking pre-workout supplements.
L-norvaline is a benefactor for the body’s arginine concentration levels. Its primary purpose within the body is to help regulate NO and blood flow. From a bodybuilding perspective, it’s easy to see how this essential amino acid is beneficial if you have an active lifestyle.
Strength training and exercise can create inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation levels are even higher in individuals who are just starting their lifting regimen. L-norvaline may have specific anti-inflammatory capabilities that could help combat the inflammation caused by lifting. (x) By increasing NO production and widening the blood vessels, the extra blood flow lessens inflammation at a quicker rate, making recovery time faster and less painful. While L-norvaline doesn’t help rebuild the muscle tissue process, it can play a beneficial role for those looking to build muscle.
Click here to purchase L-norvaline powder now

L-Norvaline Benefits
Aside from the bodybuilding benefit mentioned above, other benefits come with taking L-norvaline. Although excess blood flow is one of the top reasons for taking this essential amino acid, it is good to understand how this compound can improve your day-to-day life. Some benefits include:
- Increases Energy and Blood Flow
As already mentioned, when NO production increases, blood vessels become dilated for extended periods. When this occurs, extra blood flows throughout the body and enables core body temperature to remain more balanced. If the core body temperature is higher than usual, the body’s natural response is to cool itself down. Good blood flow makes that process more accessible and uses less energy to cool the body down. When your body uses less energy in one area, it can use it in other areas, such as pushing your workouts’ intensity and extending energy levels and stamina.
- Synthesizes Perindopril
L-norvaline can synthesize perindopril, which is an ACE inhibitor. ACE stands for angiotensin-converting enzyme and is part of one class of antihypertensives. (x) These medications, when taken regularly, can aid in lowering blood pressure by encouraging blood vessels to relax and widen, which stimulates the free flow of nutrient-rich blood. Medical doctors commonly prescribe aCE inhibitors to patients with hypertension to lower blood pressure and encourage healthy flow throughout the body.
- Male Enhancement
Because nitric oxide production aids in blood flow, it is also critical to creating pathways within the blood flow for penile erections. (x) When the male body can produce more NO, this increase in blood flow enters the penis and the blood sinuses in much of the penis volume. This increase in the blood sinuses then acts to compress the veins, draining the blood from the penis. This uptick of inflow and outflow causes an erection and assists it in lasting longer.
Norvaline and Bodybuilding
- Reverse Decline from Alzheimer’s
A study performed on mice showed L-norvaline’s possibility of reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s, a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disease on the body. Research supports the positive impact L-norvaline has at amplifying NO production based on the fact it inhibits arginase. (x)
Where to get L-Norvaline
As mentioned previously, L-norvaline is an essential amino acid, and the body cannot produce it on its own. It needs to get it via food and supplementation. L-norvaline is often present in a wide variety of foods. Here is a list of some of those foods:
- Grains
- Meat
- Dairy
- Soy
- Peanuts
Where to Buy L-Norvaline Supplement?
You can purchase L-norvaline at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor of pure dietary supplements. BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other food and supplement brands to make their products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Are you interested in trying L-norvaline to help with your health and fitness? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order.
L-Norvaline Dosage
Although L-norvaline is present in many of the foods that we eat, the amounts are minimal. Thus, you may want to use it in the supplemental form if there is a desire to increase its levels. When taking L-norvaline powder, take 400 mg once daily.
Of course, not everyone’s body works the same. Doses may vary. A minimum amount of L-norvaline may not do much of anything for you, but a higher dose could become detrimental to your health. Be sure to talk to a doctor before adding this supplement to your regimen to determine an optimal dosage.
Norvaline Side Effects
There is a significant lack of studies on L-norvaline versus its other essential amino acid counterparts. Because of this, there have been no research-based reports on its side effects. With the small amounts of it present in foods, and because the levels of it in supplements are also within a healthy number, you do not have to worry much about side effects. However, it is good to note that those with blood pressure problems need to be careful when taking L-norvaline since it can elicit negative symptoms because of increased blood flow. These symptoms to be aware of are:
- Dizziness
- Light-headedness
- Nausea
- Fatigue
Overall, there is no reason for concern about any of the potential side effects. Still, if you have a history of blood pressure issues, the recommendation is that you speak with your doctor before beginning any L-norvaline supplementation.
The Bottom Line
L-norvaline is a distinctively structured and water-soluble essential amino acid originated from valine, a branch chain amino acid. Branch chain amino acids help support your immune system, intestinal health and stimulate muscle protein synthesis.
Unlike many other essential amino acids, L-norvaline is only necessary for minimal amounts for our bodies to get their daily intake. You would not even notice it if their L-norvaline levels were lower than average or higher than average.
A trickier essential amino acid to track, and even more delicate because of its limited research studies, it’s a case of “the more you know” to ensure that you are consuming adequate levels of L-norvaline for your specific lifestyle and medical history.
If you are a bodybuilder looking to improve your regiment, consult with your health professional and research various pre-workout supplements to see which ones will work best for you.
The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.