What is an Ear Infection?
Bacteria or viruses can cause an ear infection that affects the outer or middle part of your ear. There are two main types of ear being infected based on where it occurs. The outer ear infections affect the ear canal called acute otitis externa or swimmer’s ear. (x) Acute otitis media, or the middle ear infection, affects the space behind your eardrum that transmits sound for hearing. (x) (x)
Ear Infection Symptoms
Pain and drainage are the common symptoms of an ear infection that begin quickly as the condition develops. Other symptoms of illnesses can include fever or reduced hearing. (x)
- Ear Pain
Signs of an outer ear infection include discomfort and itching in the canal. Because it affects the outer structures, the redness is more visible. The pain is usually worse if you push on the bump in front of your ear, known as your tragus, or pull on your outer ear. (x) Middle ear infection symptoms also include ear pain, but the visible signs are not as noticeable. Because the infection is behind the eardrum, the canal or outer ear usually appears normal.
- Drainage of Fluids
As the infection progresses, some people may develop fluid draining from their ear. This fluid may be clear and odorless in mild cases, but pus may show a more severe infection. (x) Both outer and middle ear infections may produce fluid, otherwise known as an effusion, which may feel a fullness in the affected ear. (x)
- Loss of Hearing
The swelling and fluid drainage associated with ear infections may block effective sound transmission in your ear. That’s why some people experience decreased or muffled hearing when they have an ear infection (x). Effusions in the middle ear, or fluid buildup, can also produce muffled hearing. Chronic effusions are fluid build ups that last a long time, which can cause problems with hearing long term. (x)
- Ear Infection Symptoms in Children
In kids, symptoms of an ear infection may not be as obvious. Younger children and babies have trouble communicating that something is wrong. Some clues that you can look out for include frequent tugging or pulling on an ear. (x) Pain is usually worse when kids lay down for bed, so some will have more trouble sleeping. (x) Crying more often than usual, acting more irritable, and losing appetite may also be signs of an ear infection in a small child.

Other Characteristics of Ear Infections
People with ear infections may develop fever, a defensive immune reaction to fight off bacteria and viruses.
Some may also experience dizziness or vertigo in rare cases because structures in our ears help us balance. Other signs and symptoms of an ear infection may include headache, swollen lymph nodes, and face or neck pain. (x)
What Causes Ear Infections?
Understanding the causes of ear infections may help you solve the problem by handling the reasons you frequently get this illness. They include:
- Allergies
Scientific studies show people with allergies are more prone to get middle ear infections. (x) Allergies are your immune cells overreacting and causing swelling and inflammation. How does this happen? It starts with the Eustachian tubes — thin tunnels that connect from the middle ear to the back of the throat. These tubes allow both mucus and swelling from allergies to spread to the middle ear, creating a good place for bacteria or viruses to grow. (x) Allergy-induced inflammation may also be a risk factor for outer ear infections as well. (x) In these cases, sensitivities to items like hair products or earrings could cause skin reactions promoting infection. (x)
- Sinus Infection
Like allergies, sinus infections can increase inflammation of the nasal passages and associated ear structures. This inflammation can again produce favorable conditions for microbes to grow. Especially in kids, a recent cold or flu affecting the upper respiratory tract increases the risk of developing ear infection. (x) That’s because the swelling and inflammation around the Eustachian tubes can make drainage from the middle ear less effective. Older patients suffering from chronic sinus infections and nasal polyps are also at higher risk for developing ear infections. (x) The shape and elasticity of the Eustachian tube, based on genetic factors or aging, can be a risk factor as well. These factors usually involve poor drainage that results in fluid getting stuck in the middle ear, promoting infections. (x)
- Smoking
Tobacco and marijuana smoke can irritate your respiratory tract based on an analyzed study and is a risk factor for ear infections. (x) You don’t have to be a smoker yourself to be at risk. (x) Second-hand smoke can irritate and can promote infection too. Kids and babies of parents who smoke are at a higher risk of developing ear infections. (x) A Norwegian study found that babies of mothers who smoked cigarettes during pregnancy were more susceptible to chronic ear infections in infancy or childhood. (x) A review performed by Chinese researchers also noted an increased risk for people exposed to second-hand smoke. (x)
- Infected or Swollen Adenoids
Poor fluid drainage from your middle ear harbors bacteria and promotes infections. Adenoids are a pair of small tissue pads in the upper respiratory tract and help fight off infection. They become filled with immune cells and get inflamed when active. These structures sit near the Eustachian tubes and can block proper drainage when swollen. Based on a scientific study with kids, the adenoids are exceptionally large and play a more prominent role in causing ear infections. (x) Adenoids may also harbor infectious microbes that can cause an infection. A 2017 study found that many of the same bacteria found in adenoid tissue become isolated from the middle ear of children, especially kids who had ear infections with effusion. (x)
Other Causes of Ear Infections
Other lifestyle factors may influence your risk of getting an ear infection. Younger kids get more of them because of the specific anatomy of the Eustachian tubes at that age. Babies who are bottle-fed instead of breastfed have a higher rate of ear infection. (x) A scientific study performed on Canadian Eskimos proves that bottle-feeding produces chronic ear disease. (x)
A scientific study shows that kids in daycare settings have a higher risk since they are more exposed to germs in this setting. The study supports smaller group sizes in childcare facilities. (x)
Swimming also increases the risk, especially in unchlorinated waters like a lake or a poorly maintained pool. Aggressive cleaning of hearing aids is also a risk factor for an outer ear infection. (x)
The CDC recommends that you avoid putting cotton swabs or other foreign objects that may cut or bruise your ear canal directly into the ear. (x)
Supplements for Ear Infections
When treating an ear infection rarely requires antibiotics because your immune system can usually handle it independently. Exceptions may include severe cases, recurrent infections, or swimmer’s ear for which doctors prescribe antibiotic drops. (x)
You could treat pain associated with a mild ear infection with natural ear drops. However, they could become dangerous, especially if they go untreated and become severe. This severe disease may lead to ruptured eardrums and a spread of the condition. Permanent damage to middle ear structures can lead to hearing loss. Surgical repair may be necessary if there is a rupture of the eardrum. (x) Contact your doctor if symptoms last over three days, if there is pus coming from the ear, or if you have a high fever over 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit (39 degrees Celsius.) (x)
- Garlic Oil
Historically, garlic has treated many infections since the ancient times and beyond. (x) One cannot help but conclude the herb also treats ear infections. Today, garlic is an alternative remedy for an ear infection, but the scientific evidence appears limited. One pediatric study from 2001 found that herbal preparations included garlic (Allium sativum) extract, suspended in olive oil mixed with other extracts, were just as effective as prescription ear drops in reducing pain related to infections. (x) Another similar study appeared in 2003, suggesting that herbal ear drops containing garlic could reduce ear pain. (x) One review reported laboratory evidence supporting the antibacterial and antifungal activity of garlic oil in vitro. (x)
Though there aren’t any official recommendations for using garlic oil for infections, studies showed using ear drops containing garlic oil. (x) Neither study reported any significant side effects but always consulted with your doctor before starting any alternative remedy. Avoid using any ear drops if the eardrum seems ruptured or if a doctor has placed an ear tube to drain an effusion. (x)
- Xylitol
Xylitol is a natural ingredient found in fruits and vegetables and is a molecule composed of sugar and alcohol. (x) One review in 2014 reported xylitol as a biological agent that may prevent ear infections in susceptible children. Older studies found the highest efficacy in chewing gum and lozenges compared to syrup. However, children under two should not use these treatments because of choking hazards. (x) A 2016 Cochrane review noted some evidence supporting xylitol as a preventative treatment for healthy children going to daycare, (x) but found it was not effective in children prone to infection. Another recent study by the National Institute of Health also found that xylitol solution was not effective in preventing them in children predisposed to getting them. (x)
As a solution, you can protect against infections in children. It is best to take 8.4 to 10 grams for chewing gum, syrup, or lozenges five times a day with meals. Though there were no significant side effects reported in these studies, one could experience stomach ache, bloating, or diarrhea when consuming any sugar alcohol like xylitol. (x)
3. Vitamin D
Studies have reported a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and increased recurrent ear infections in children. Some of these studies also observed reduced rates during a 1-year follow-up period when children had vitamin D levels replenished through supplementation. Researchers believe that vitamin D could play a significant protective role in preventing them. (x) However, more clinical trials are necessary to support any recommendations.
Vitamin D supplements are available both over-the-counter or as a prescription from your doctor. However, if you take too much vitamin D, it can become toxic. Symptoms of toxicity include appetite loss, weight loss, excess urination, and heart palpitations. Long-term effects of toxicity can damage your heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. If you are taking steroid medications or weight-loss drugs, avoid taking vitamin D supplementation because of potential drug-drug interactions. (x) Therefore, if you plan to supplement your diet with vitamin D, consult with your physician before taking any amount of the supplement.
Where to Buy Natural Supplements for Ear Infections?
You can purchase these natural supplements at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor for pure dietary supplements. BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other food and supplement brands to make their products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.
Are you interested in trying these natural supplements? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order.
The Bottom Line
Ear infections are more common in children but can affect adults too. There are preventions, such as breastfeeding, smaller groups in childcare facilities that easily spread the illness, and natural ear drops for swimmers.
These infections, caused by bacteria or viruses, usually go away on their own. Supplementing with Vitamin D is an excellent way to boost your immune system. If you have any signs of an ear infection forming, try chewing Xylitol gum. Studies prove it may help remedy the condition and prevent the infection from worsening.
However, permanent hearing loss can result if you have chronic ear infections. And though natural remedies can be a great way to promote your health, always talk with your doctor before starting a home treatment.
The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.