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Blepharitis Symptoms, Causes & Treatment


What is Blepharitis?

One of the most common eye conditions seen by physicians is blepharitis, which is an inflammation of the eyelids. This condition doesn’t directly threaten eyesight, but left untreated, it may lead to visual sensitivity or permanently damaged parts of the eye structure. Blepharitis can be a nuisance and may begin with the development of a stye and a lump caused by inflammation of the oil glands.

This condition can impact individuals of all ages, especially if they already have an inflammatory skin ailment such as dermatitis, rosacea or eczema. In any event, when you have bacteria and oil flakes at the base of your eyelashes, it is a sure sign of blepharitis. (x). There are various symptoms associated with blepharitis, including, eyelid swelling, persistent dry eyes, and it is often caused by a parasitic infection that attacks the oil glands close to the eye.

There are two different areas where blepharitis exists:

There are two types of blepharitis that people may experience:

Blepharitis Symptoms

The first indication of blepharitis is characterized by irritated swollen eyelids (x, x). If you have some or all of these symptoms, you may be experiencing blepharitis:

Complications of blepharitis may also include:


There are differing causes of blepharitis. The condition may surface because of certain skin problems, bacterial infection, parasitic overgrowth or chronic eye dryness. Once you have blepharitis, you want to know why, so you can treat it most effectively. Causes of blepharitis may include:

Fungal or bacterial eyelid infection — Blepharitis may occur in connection with an overgrowth of bacteria. This bacteria live and multiply along the edges of the eyelashes. Over time, they create a toxic, plaque-like biofilm that causes complications.

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) — Bacteria in the eyelid biofilm generate toxins that cause inflammation of oil glands in the eyelids (meibomian glands). This creates a condition called meibomian gland dysfunction which causes and aggravates symptoms of blepharitis.

Parasites (Demodex eyelash mites) — Microscopic mites called Demodex brevis live and feed in the oil glands of human hair follicles. A bacterial infection creates a toxic environment that promotes the overgrowth of these parasitic mites, which worsens inflammation of the eyelids (x).

Dry eye blepharitis syndrome (DEBS) — Researchers have coupled chronic dry eyes and blepharitis into one chronic eye problem called dry eye blepharitis syndrome (DEBS) (x).

Chronic Skin Conditions — Blepharitis often occurs alongside chronic skin conditions such as: rosacea, dandruff, psoriasis, and eczema (x).

Preventing Blepharitis

Standard Blepharitis Treatment

The National Eye Institute recommends this standard treatment for chronic or acute blepharitis:

Furthermore, it is important to keep your eyelids, skin and hair clean. In fact, you may safely wash your hair with baby shampoo and use antiseptic sprays on your skin to prevent bacteria from growing too much. Good health begins with maintaining good hygiene.

Treating Blepharitis Caused by Demodex Mites

Demodex mites live in human hair follicles, but we don’t usually notice them. However, if these parasites increase excessively, they can trigger symptoms. You can treat blepharitis by (x):

  1. Washing the face twice daily with a gentle, non-soap cleanser. Scrubbing the eyelids with baby shampoo may also help.
  2. Avoiding greasy makeup and oil based cleansers.
  3. Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells. Use a clean face brush and brush your skin in small, gentle, circular strokes. Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
  4. A health professional may prescribe a topical or oral medication when an infestation cannot be controlled by home remedies (x).

Treating Blepharitis with Other Issues

Treating blepharitis effectively may involve additional steps for some patients.

For the most part, keeping the lids free of crusts and clean with warm compresses is the key to maintaining good eyelid hygiene. Ultimately, good hygiene can help control blepharitis.

Ongoing Blepharitis Treatment

Keeping your eyelids clean is important for controlling blepharitis. For a routine of good hygiene in the eye area, remember to:

Supplements for Eye Health

We don’t often think too much about our eyes, until a speck in one eye plagues us, or until a condition like blepharitis surfaces. A regular eye care routine is a good idea, but on top of that, here are some nutrients that give special care to the eyes:

The Bottom Line

Blepharitis will not cause permanent damage; however it can be chronic. As a matter of fact, the condition can lead to more severe symptoms. Blepharitis is associated with a bacterial eye infection, dry eye symptoms and certain skin conditions. However, it is important to realize that it is often caused by oil glands within the eyelid.

To clarify, blepharitis can be managed with a simple regimen of eye care. However, if this routine doesn’t eradicate the condition, a health professional can prescribe antibiotics or other treatments to manage this common eye problem.

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